Surveying MCQs - Degree of Accuracy in Traversing

1. When start point and end point of closed transverse not coincide then that error is called ____
a) Angular error
b) Closing error
c) Adjustment error
d) Transverse error

Answer: b
Explanation: If a closed transvere is plotted according to the field measurements, the end point of the traverse will not coincide exactly with the starting point, owing to the errors in the field measurements of angles and distances. Such error is known as closing error.

2. The term used for the ratio of error of closure to a perimeter of transverse is the relative error of closure.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: Error of closure / perimeter of transverse = e/p. The term used for the ratio of error of closure to a perimeter of transverse is the relative error of closure.

3. In a closed transverse, the sum of interior angles should be equal to (2N – 4) right angles. Otherwise, the error occurred termed as ____
a) Angular error
b) Closing error
c) Adjustment error
d) Transverse error

Answer: a
Explanation: If a closed traverse, the sum of interior angles should be equal to (2N – 4) right angles. If the angles are measured with the same degree of precision, the error in the sum of angles may be distributed equally to each angle of the traverse.

4. Let e be the closing error in the bearing of the last line of a closed traverse having No sides. Then what is the correction for first line?
a) e/N
b) 2e/N
c) 3e/N
d) e

Answer: a
Explanation: In a closed traverse in which bearings are observed, the closing error in bearing may be determined by comparing the two bearing of the last line as observed at the first and last stations of a traverse. Correction for first line (1×e)/N = e/N.

5.Let e be the closing error in the bearing of last line of a closed traverse having No sides. Then what is the correction for second line?
a) e/N
b) 2e/N
c) 3e/N
d) e

Answer: a
Explanation: In a closed traverse in which bearings are observed, the closing error in bearing may be determined by comparing the two bearing of the last line as observed at the first and last stations of traverse. Correction for second line (2×e)/ N = 2e/ N.

6.Let e be the closing error in the bearing of last line of a closed traverse having No sides. Then what is the correction for the third line?
a) e/N
b) 2e/N
c) 3e/N
d) e

Answer: c
Explanation: In a closed traverse in which bearings are observed, the closing error in bearing may be determined by comparing the two bearing of the last line as observed at the first and last stations of traverse. Correction for third line (3×e)/ N = 3e/ N.

7. Let e be the closing error in the bearing of last line of a closed traverse having No sides. Then what is the correction for the last line?
a) e/N
b) 2e/N
c) 3e/N
d) e

Answer: d
Explanation: In a closed traverse in which bearings are observed, the closing error in bearing may be determined by comparing the two bearing of the last line as observed at the first and last stations of traverse. Correction for second line (N×e)/ N = e.

8. What is the term generally applied to the operation of applying corrections to the latitudes and departures?
a) Adjustment
b) Error
c) Balancing
d) Accuracy

Answer: c
Explanation: The term balancing is generally applied to the operation of applying corrections to the latitudes and departures. So that £L = 0 and £D = 0. This applies only when the survey forms a closed polygon.

9. Which of the following methods are not methods of adjusting a traversing?
a) Bowditch’s method
b) Transit method
c) Axis method
d) Levelling method

Answer: d
Explanation: This applies only when the survey forms a closed polygon. The following are common methods of adjusting a traverse bowditch’s method, transit method, graphical method, axis method.

10. Let correction to latitude of any side be C, total error in latitude be e, length of that side be l, perimeter of traverse be p. Then what is bowditch’s rule?
a) C = e × l/p
b) C = e × p/l
c) C = p × e/l
d) C = l × p/e

Answer: a
Explanation: Correction to latitude of any side is equally to total error in latitude × length of that side/perimeter of traverse.