Surveying Questions and Answers - Equipments for Chain Survey

1. Survey stations must be mutually visible to obtain a good system of line.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: Surveyor and assistant must be visible to each other. So, survey stations must be mutually visible.

2. In case, to get a well-proportioned or well-shaped triangle, no angle should be less than _________
a) 15°
b) 30°
c) 45°
d) 25°

Answer: b
Explanation: If it is less than 30° then the chance of error increases in triangulation.

3. Each triangle or portion of a skeleton must be provided with sufficient tie lines to obtain good system of lines.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: Each triangle or portion of a skeleton must be provided with sufficient check lines to obtain good system of lines.

4. As far as possible, the main survey line should not pass through _____
a) Road
b) Check line
c) Obstacles
d) Tie line

Answer: c
Explanation: Always to obtain a good system of survey lines, main survey line should not pass through obstacles. It can pass through road if necessary.

5. Check lines should form well-conditioned triangles to obtain a good system of survey lines.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: Main lines should form well-conditioned triangles to obtain a good system of survey lines. Each triangle or portion must be provided with sufficient check lines.

6. The simplest instrument used for setting right angles is a _____
a) Cross staff
b) Optical square
c) Prism square
d) Site square

Answer: a
Explanation: The simplest instrument used for setting out the right angles is a cross staff. It consists of either a frame or box with pairs of vertical slits and is mounted on a pole shod for fixing in the ground.

7. Which cross staff consists of two cylinders of equal diameter placed one on top of the other?
a) Open cross staff
b) French cross staff
c) Adjustable cross staff
d) Optical square

Answer: c
Explanation: Adjustable cross staff consists of two cylinders of equal diameter placed one on top of the other. Both are provided with sighting sits. The upper box carries a vernier and can be rotated relatively to lower by a circular rack.

8. Prism square works on the same principle as that of _______
a) Cross staff
b) Open cross staff
c) Optical square
d) Site square

Answer: c
Explanation: It is a modern and precise instrument and is used in a similar manner as that of optical square. It has a merit that no adjustment is required since the angle between the reflecting surfaces cannot vary

9. Which cross staff consists of a hollow octagonal box?
a) Open cross staff
b) French cross staff
c) Adjustable cross staff
d) Optical square

Answer: b
Explanation: Adjustable cross staff consists of two cylinders of equal diameter placed one on top of the other. Both are provided with sighting sits. French cross staff consists of a hollow octagonal box.

10. What are used after every chain length measured on the ground?
a) Pegs
b) Ranging rods
c) Arrows
d) Offset rods

Answer: c
Explanation: An arrow is inserted into the ground after every chain length measured on the ground. Wooden Pegs or pegs and offset rods are the survey instruments used in the chaining process in surveying.