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The relationship between e, G, w and S is ______

a) \(e=\frac{wG}{S}\)
b) e = wGS
c) \(e=\frac{wS}{G}\)
d) \(e=\frac{GS}{w}\)

Answer: a
Explanation: The degree of saturation is given by
S=\(\frac{V_w}{V_V}=\frac{e_w}{e}\) where ew = water void ratio=eS ——-(1)
Water content w=\(\frac{W_w}{W_d}\)
w = \(\frac{e_wγ_w}{γ_s*1}\)
But γs = Gγw
∴ w = \(\frac{e_wγ_w}{Gγ_w}= \frac{e_w}{G}\)
ew = wG ———–(2)
from equation (1) and (2)

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