Management Accounting Questions and Answers Part-9

1. Flow of goods and services, from start of gathering materials until delivery of products, is known as
a) flow chart analysis
b) supply chain analysis
c) resource chain analysis
d) acquiring analysis

Answer: b

2. Step by step business functions, in which product or services must have customer usefulness is classified as
a) value chain
b) useful chain
c) product chain
d) services chain

Answer: a

3. Decisions regarding usage of material, kind and changes in plant processing are a part of
a) past management
b) future management
c) help management
d) cost management

Answer: d

4. Function of management accountant, who works as business partner comes under category of
a) asset function
b) investment function
c) line function
d) staff function

Answer: d

5. An officer responsible for financial operations of organization is considered as
a) chief financial officer
b) chief manager
c) chief line function
d) chief staff function

Answer: a

6. Total manufacturing time is multiplied to manufacturing cycle efficiency to calculate
a) manufacturing cycle efficiency
b) value added manufacturing time
c) responding time
d) delivery time

Answer: b

7. Costs incur for defective products, before their shipment to customers can be categorized as
a) prevention costs
b) external failure costs
c) appraisal costs
d) internal failure costs

Answer: d

8. Costs that are incurred to prevent low quality goods production are classified as
a) costs of quality
b) costs of learning
c) costs of reengineering
d) costs of spoilage inventory

Answer: a

9. If total number of employees surveyed are 200 and employees that indicate higher rating for satisfaction are 195, then employee satisfaction would be
a) 94.00%
b) 93.00%
c) 95.00%
d) 97.50%

Answer: d

10. On-time performance and customer-response time are examples of
a) customer measures
b) financial measures
c) measures of growth and learning
d) measures of internal business processes

Answer: a