Syllogism Questions and Answers Part-7

Directions to solve : Each question contains six statements, followed by four options of combinations of any three of the given sentences. Choose the option in which the combinations are logically related.

1. (A) Some soaps are not shampoos.
(B) Some shampoos are not soaps.
(C) No oil is shampoo.
(D) All shampoos are oils.
(E) Some shampoos are soaps.
(F) Some who are oils are not soaps.
a) ACF
b) DEF
c) ABC
d) BDF

Answer: d

2. (A) Some humans are late.
(B) All humans are bad.
(C) All late things are humans.
(D) All late things are bad.
(E) Some bad things are humans.
(F) Some bad things are late.
a) AFE
b) BCF
c) BCA
d) BCE

Answer: b

3. (A) All Shomes are bright.
(B) No bright Shomes are Bands.
(C) Some Shomes are Bands.
(D) Some Bands are bright.
(E) No Tom is a Band.
(F) No Band is a Shome.
a) ABC
b) BEF
c) ABF
d) CDA

Answer: c

4. (A) All sorcerors are hasty.
(B) Some daredevils are hasty.
(C) All sorcerors are daredevils.
(D) All daredevils are hasty.
(E) Some hasty are daredevils.
(F) No sorceror is pasty.
a) BCD
b) CDA
c) DEC
d) FEC

Answer: b

5. (A) No mango is a lingo.
(B) All tangos are lingos.
(C) No tango is a mango.
(D) Some tangos are not mangoes.
(E) Some mangoes are tangos.
(F) Some lingos are not mangoes.
a) ABC
b) ACB
c) DFA
d) BDA

Answer: a

6.(A) Some irons are made of steel.
(B) All steel is made of copper.
(C) All copper is used for making irons.
(D) Some steel is copper.
(E) Some irons are used for steel.
(F) Some copper is used for steel.
a) ABC
b) CEF
c) CDA
d) ABE

Answer: c

7. (A) No tiger is carnivorous.
(B) All animals are carnivorous.
(C) Cats are carnivorous.
(D) No cat is a tiger.
(E) No tiger is an animal.
(F) All cats are animals
a) ADC
b) ABE
c) FBA
d) AFC

Answer: b

8. (A) No brother is a pro.
(B) Some pros like to work.
(C) No Indian is rude.
(D) Some rude are pros.
(E) Some pro are Indians.
(F) All Indians like to work.
a) ABE
b) CED
c) FEB
d) BEF

Answer: c

9. (A) Apples are fruits.
(B) All apples are pears.
(C) Some fruits are pears.
(D) Some apples are pears.
(E) All fruits are sweet.
(F) Some pears are sweet.
a) DAC
b) CDA
c) BCA
d) EFC

Answer: a

10. (A) Santros are RIMs.
(B) Santros are cars.
(C) RIMs are cars.
(D) Fords are cars.
(E) RIMs are Fords.
(F) Fords are stable.
a) ACB
b) FED
c) CEA
d) ABC

Answer: a