Syllogism Questions and Answers Part-3

Directions to solve : In each of the questions below are given three statements followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take the three given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts

1. Statements:
(A) Some panthers are cats.
(B) All cats are mammals.
(C) Some mammals are not panthers.
I. Some mammals are panthers.
II. All panthers are mammals.
III. All cats are panthers.
IV. All mammals are panthers.
a) None follows
b) Only I follows
c) Only I and II follow
d) Only II and III follow

Answer: b

2. Statements:
(A) Some young are boys.
(B) All boys are actors.
(C) Some actors are cars.
I. Some actors are young.
II. Some cars are young.
III. Some cars are boys.
IV. Some boys are young.
a) None follows
b) Only IV follows
c) Only I follows
d) Both I and IV follow

Answer: d

3. Statements:
(A) All actors are males.
(B) Some artists are males.
(C) All singers are artists.
I. Some artists are actors.
II. Some singers are males.
III. Some males are actors.
IV. No singers are male.
a) Only either II or IV and III follow
b) Only either II or IV and I follow
c) Only either I or II and IV follow
d) None of these

Answer: d

4. Statements:
(A) All cats are drakes.
(B) No drake is a mare.
(C) All mares are animals.
I. No cat is a mare.
II. Some animals are mares.
III. Some drakes are cats.
IV. Some cats are mares.
a) All follow
b) Only either I or II and both III and IV follow
c) Only either I or IV and both II and III follow
d) None of these.

Answer: d

5. Statements:
(A) Some cars are vehicles.
(B) Some vehicles are machines.
(C) Some machines are mechanics.
I. Some mechanics are machines.
II. Some vehicles are cars.
III. Some machines are cars.
IV. Some mechanics are vehicles.
a) All follow
b) Only I and II follow
c) Only III and IV follow
d) None follows

Answer: d

6. Statements:
(A) All desks are boards.
(B) All boards are flat.
(C) All flats are white.
I. All whites are desks.
II. All boards are white.
III. Some whites are flat.
IV. Some flats are desks.
a) All follows
b) Only I, II and IV follow
c) Only III and IV follow
d) II, III and IV follow

Answer: d

7. Statements:
(A) Some opels are televisions.
(B) Some televisions are bulbs.
(C) All tubes are bulbs.
I. Some opels are tubes.
II. Some opels are bulbs.
III. No tube is opel.
IV. All bulbs are tubes.
a) None follows
b) Both III and II follow
c) Only either II or III follows
d) Only either I or III follows

Answer: a

8. Statements:
(A) Some trains are cars.
(B) All cars are rivers.
(C) Some roads are rivers.
I. Some rivers are trains.
II. Some roads are trains.
III. Some roads are cars.
IV. Some rivers are roads.
a) IV follows
b) Only I and II follow
c) Only either I or III follows
d) Only either II or III follows

Answer: a

9. Statements:
(A) All cats are Lions.
(B) Some lions are mice.
(C) All mice are giraffes.
I. Some mice are cats.
II. Some giraffes are lions.
III. Some giraffes are cats.
IV. Some giraffes are mice.
a) Only I and II follow
b) Only I and III follow
c) Only II and III follow
d) Only III and IV follow

Answer: d

10. Statements:
(A) All pencils are pens.
(B) No pens are markers.
(C) All markers are drawings.
I. No pencil is a marker.
II. No pencil is a drawing.
III. Some drawings are pens.
IV. Some markers are pencils.
a) Only I follows
b) Only I and II follow
c) Only II and III follow
d) Only III and IV follow

Answer: a