Optical Communications Questions and Answers Part-24

1. In Nd: YAG lasers, the maximum doping levels of neodymium is ____________
a) 0.5 %
b) 1.5 %
c) 1.8 %
d) 2 %

Answer: b
Explanation: The Nd: YAG laser structure is formed by doping of yttrium- aluminum -garnet (YAG) with neodymium. The energy levels for lasing transition and pumping are provided by neodymium ions. The maximum doping level of neodymium in YAG is around 1.5 %

2. Which of the following is not a property of Nd: YAG laser that enables its use as an optical fiber communication source?
a) Single mode operation
b) Narrow line-width
c) Long lifetime
d) Semiconductors and integrated circuits

Answer: d
Explanation: Nd: YAG laser is a non-semiconductor laser. It does not include the use of semiconductors and thus cannot take advantage of well-developed technology associated with integrated circuits. Single mode operation, narrow line-width, lifetime are the properties that are useful for optical communication.

3. The Nd: YAG laser has a narrow line-width which is ________________
a) < 0.01 nm
b) > 0.01 nm
c) > 1 mm
d) > 1.6 mm

Answer: a
Explanation: The Nd: YAG laser has several properties which make it an active optical source. One of such properties is its narrow line-width. It is less than 0.01 nm which is useful for reducing dispersion of optical links.

4. The strongest pumping bands is a four level system of Nd: YAG laser at wavelength of range_________________
a) 0.25 and 0.56 nm
b) 0.75 and 0.81 nm
c) 0.12 and 0.23 nm
d) 1 and 2 nm

Answer: b
Explanation: The Nd: YAG laser is a four level system. It consists of number of pumping bands and fluorescent transitions. The strongest pumping bands are the wavelengths of 0.75μm and 0.81μm. and gives lasing transition at 1.064μm and 1.32μm. Single mode emission is usually obtained at these wavelengths.

5. The Nd: YAG laser is costlier than earth-doped glass fiber laser.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: The most important requirement of the Nd: YAG laser is pumping and modulation. These two requirements tend to give a cost disadvantage in comparison with earth-doped glass fiber laser. Also it is easier and less expensive to fabricate glass fiber in earth-doped laser.

6. It is a resonant cavity formed by two parallel reflecting mirrors separated by a mirror separated by a medium such as air or gas is?
a) Optical cavity
b) Wheatstone’s bridge
c) Oscillator
d) Fabry-perot resonator

Answer: d
Explanation: Resonant cavity is formed between two mirrors where fiber core doped with earth ions is placed. This cavity is 250-500 μm long and 5 to 15 μm wide. A Fabry-perot resonator oscillates at resonant frequency for which there is high gain.

7. In a three level system, the threshold power decreases inversely with the length of the fiber gain medium.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: If the imperfection losses are low then in a four level system the threshold power decreases inversely with the length of the fiber gain medium. A three level consists of an optimum length. This optimum length gives the minimum threshold power which is independent of the value of imperfection losses.

8. Which of the following co-dopant is not employed by neodymium and erbium doped silica fiber lasers?
a) Phosphorus pent oxide
b) Germania
c) Nitrogen
d) Alumina

Answer: c
Explanation: Silica based glass fibers are proved to be the best host material till date. These silica fibers are doped with neodymium and erbium. These dopants include co-dopants such as phosphorus pent-oxide, germanium and alumina

9. Dopants levels in glass fiber lasers are generally ___________
a) Low
b) High
c) Same as that of GRIN rod lens laser
d) Same as that of semiconductor laser

Answer: a
Explanation: Dopant levels are low in glass fibers (nearly 400 parts per million). This is because of increasing in concentration quenching which increases with the doping level. It may cause the reduction in the population of the upper lasing level as well as crystallization within the glass matrix

10. _______________ fibers include addition of lead fluoride to the core glass in order to raise the relative refractive index.
a) Solid-state
b) GaAs
c) Semiconductor

Answer: d
Explanation: Up-conversion pumping of laser material is used to convert an infrared laser output to a visible laser output. ZBLANP is host material on which laser action at all wavelengths can be obtained by pumping. The relative refractive index is increased by addition of lead fluoride which makes it a very interesting host material.