Analog Communications Questions and Answers Part-3

1. Demodulation is done in ________
a) Channel
b) Receiver
c) Receiving antenna
d) Transducer

Answer: b
Explanation: Demodulation refers to extracting the original message signal from a transmitted modulated wave. The extraction of the message signal is generally carried out in the receiver. Channel is the medium through which the modulated message signal is transferred and Antenna receives the transmitted signal. Transducer converts the electrical signal to sound waves and vice-versa.

2. What is Fidelity?
a) Equally amplifies all the signal frequencies at receiver
b) Ability of receiver to select wanted signal from various incoming signal
c) Minimum magnitude of input signal required to produced a specified output
d) Ability to amplify weak signals

Answer: a
Explanation: Fidelity is the ability of the receiver to reproduce all modulating signals, equally, without any distortion. The ability of receiver to select wanted signal from various incoming signals is called Selectivity while Sensitivity is the minimum magnitude of input signal required to produce a specified output. It is the ability to amplify weak signals.

3. In a receiver, noise is usually developed at ________
a) Audio stage
b) Receiving antenna
c) IF stage
d) RF stage

Answer: d
Explanation: Ability of receiver to selected only wanted signal, and reject other frequencies, out of the various incoming signals, helps the receiver to operate more efficiently. However, at times, the RF amplifier allows a frequency lying close to the desired frequency, to pass to the next stage. This other frequency is undesired and later on is responsible for production of image frequency. Thus, noise is usually developed at RF stage.

4. Which oscillator is used as a local oscillator in radio receiver?
a) Wien-bridge
b) Hartley
c) Crystal
d) Phase Shift

Answer: b
Explanation: Oscillator which is used as a local oscillator in radio receiver is generally a tuned circuit. This tuned circuit consists of inductors and capacitors to determine the resonant frequency, therefore it is an LC tuned circuit. Out of the four options, only Hartley Oscillator has an LC resonant tank circuit.

5. What is the use of a varactor diode in radio receiver?
a) Demodulation
b) Mixing
c) Multiplexing
d) Tuning

Answer: d
Explanation: Varactor diode is a diode working in the reverse-bias because of which no current flows through it. It has variable capacitance which varies with applied voltage. Varactor diodes are mainly used in Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCOs) and RF Filters for tuning the receiver to the incoming signal or different stations.

6. Process of recovering information signal from received carrier is known as ________
a) Sensitivity
b) Selectivity
c) Demodulation
d) Fidelity

Answer: c
Explanation: Demodulation means extracting information or message signal from the transmitted modulated wave, while minimum magnitude of input signal required to produced a specified output is known as Sensitivity. The ability of receiver to select wanted signal from various incoming signals is called Selectivity. Fidelity means reproducing all modulating frequencies equally, without any distortion.

7. What is the function of radio receiver?
a) to produce radio waves
b) to modulate a message signal
c) to detect and amplify information signal from the carrier
d) to convert one form of energy into other

Answer: c
Explanation: Receiver is to detect and amplify information signal from the carrier. Transmitter is used to modulate message signal and produce radio waves. Transducer is used to convert one signal form of energy into another form.

8. Figure of merit is ________
a) Ratio of output signal to noise ratio to input signal to noise ratio
b) Ratio of input signal to noise ratio to output signal to noise ratio
c) Ratio of output signal to input signal to a system
d) Ratio of input signal to output signal to a system

Answer: a
Explanation: Figure of merit is a numerical quantity based on the characteristic of system that represents a measure of efficiency or effectiveness. It is defined as the ratio of output signal to noise ratio to input signal to noise ratio.

9. Superheterodyne principle provides selectivity at ________
a) IF stage
b) RF stage
c) Demodulating Stage
d) Audio Stage

Answer: a
Explanation: A superheterodyne receiver uses frequency mixing to convert the received high frequency signal to a fixed lower intermediate frequency (IF), which can be processed more conveniently than original received frequency. Thus, the principle of selectivity is applied at the IF stage as it consists of very efficient filters to only select a wanted signal and pass it to the Demodulating Stage.

10. A heterodyne frequency changer is ________
a) Mixer
b) Demodulator
c) Modulator
d) Local Oscillator

Answer: a
Explanation: A mixer is a nonlinear electrical circuit that multiplies two signal frequencies applied to it, and produces a new frequency. Mixers are widely used to shift signals from one frequency range to other, which is known as heterodyning process. Generally, Local Oscillator generates a frequency to be applied at one of the input terminals of the mixer. Demodulator decodes the message signal from modulated signal, while modulator encodes message signal for transmission.