Database Management System Questions and Answers Part-7

1. E-R model uses this symbol to represent weak entity set ?
a) Dotted rectangle
b) Diamond
c) Doubly outlined rectangle
d) None of these

Answer: c

2. SET concept is used in :
a) Network Model
b) Hierarchical Model
c) Relational Model
d) None of these

Answer: a

3. Relational Algebra is
a) Data Definition Language
b) Meta Language
c) Procedural query Language
d) None of the above

Answer: c

4. Key to represent relationship between tables is called
a) Primary key
b) Secondary Key
c) Foreign Key
d) None of these

Answer: c

5. The file organization that provides very fast access to any arbitrary record of a file is
a) Ordered file
b) Unordered file
c) Hashed file
d) B-tree

Answer: c

6. ........... produces the relation that has attributes of R1 and R2
a) Cartesian product
b) Difference
c) Intersection
d) Product

Answer: a

7. DBMS helps achieve
a) Data independence
b) Centralized control of data
c) Neither (A) nor (B)
d) both (A) and (B)

Answer: d

8. Which of the following are the properties of entities?
a) Groups
b) Table
c) Attributes
d) Switchboards

Answer: c

9. Which of the following is correct:
a) a SQL query automatically eliminates duplicates
b) SQL permits attribute names to be repeated in the same relation
c) a SQL query will not work if there are no indexes on the relations
d) None of these

Answer: d

10. In a relation
a) Ordering of rows is immaterial
b) No two rows are identical
c) (A) and (B) both are true
d) None of these

Answer: c