Database Management System Questions and Answers Part-3

1. In the relational modes, cardinality is termed as:
a) Number of tuples
b) Number of attributes
c) Number of tables
d) Number of constraints

Answer: a

2. Relational calculus is a
a) Procedural language
b) Non- Procedural language
c) Data definition language
d) High level language

Answer: b

3. Cartesian product in relational algebra is
a) a Unary operator
b) a Binary operator
c) a Ternary operator
d) not defined

Answer: b

4. The view of total database content is
a) Conceptual view
b) Internal view
c) External view
d) Physical View

Answer: a

5. DML is provided for
a) Description of logical structure of database
b) Addition of new structures in the database system
c) Manipulation & processing of database
d) Definition of physical structure of database system

Answer: c

6. ‘AS’ clause is used in SQL for
a) Selection operation
b) Rename operation
c) Join operation
d) Projection operation

Answer: b

7. ODBC stands for
a) Object Database Connectivity
b) Oral Database Connectivity
c) Oracle Database Connectivity
d) Open Database Connectivity

Answer: d

8. In a relational model, relations are termed as
a) Tuples
b) Attributes
c) Tables
d) Rows

Answer: c

9. Architecture of the database can be viewed as
a) two levels
b) four levels
c) three levels
d) one level

Answer: c

10. The database schema is written in
a) HLL
b) DML
c) DDL
d) DCL

Answer: c