Graphic Design Questions and Answers Part-3

1. _____ is the appearance of a color is affected by the colors that surround it
a) signage system
b) simultaneous contrast
c) abstract
d) Primary colors

Answer: b

2. _____ a false belief about something you see
a) closure
b) value
c) illusion
d) line

Answer: c

3. ______ the plan an artist uses to organize a composition
a) design
b) motif
c) insignia
d) unity

Answer: a

4. _____the relative lightness or darkness of a color
a) space
b) balance
c) value
d) variety

Answer: c

5. ______ is a special type of formal balance in which two halves of a balanced composition/design
a) neutrals
b) Primary colors
c) Symmetry balance
d) symbol

Answer: c

6. ______ is any plan for organizing colors
a) Color wheel
b) color scheme
c) composition
d) closure

Answer: b

7. _____ is the 3-dimensional space that an object is or occupies
a) motif
b) line
c) space
d) form

Answer: d

8. ______ is parts of the artwork that appear farthest away from the viewer
a) background
b) foreground
c) harmony
d) pictographs

Answer: a

9. _______ is the creation of unity by stressing similarities of separating but related part in a work of art/design
a) branding
b) variety
c) movement
d) harmony

Answer: d

10. ______ is the practice of establishing a memorable reputation for a product or a company
a) tint
b) balance
c) branding
d) line

Answer: c