Spelling Check Questions and Answers Part-3

1. Find the correctly spelt word.
a) Dielectic
b) Diallectic
c) Dilectic
d) Dialectic

Answer: d

2. Find the correctly spelt word.
a) Variegated
b) Varegated
c) Varigated
d) Variagated

Answer: a

3. Find the correctly spelt word.
a) Sustinence
b) Sustenance
c) Sustenence
d) Sustinance

Answer: b

4. Find the correctly spelt word
a) Achievment
b) Acheivment
c) Achievement
d) Achevement

Answer: c

5. Find the correctly spelt word.
a) Coreander
b) Coriander
c) Coriandar
d) Coreandor

Answer: b

6. Find the correctly spelt words.
a) Swelte
b) Filpant
c) Licentious
d) Puessile

Answer: c

7. Find the correctly spelt words.
a) Grief
b) Breif
c) Recieve
d) Diceive

Answer: a

8. Find the correctly spelt words.
a) Furnituer
b) Exampel
c) Medicine
d) Sampal

Answer: c

9. Find the correctly spelt words.
a) Eflorescence
b) Efllorescence
c) Efflorescence
d) Efflorascence

Answer: c

10. Find the correctly spelt words.
a) Exterminatte
b) Inexpliccable
c) Offspring
d) Reffere

Answer: c