Spelling Check Questions and Answers Part-20

1.Find the correctly spelt word.
a) Spreintendent
b) Superintendent
c) Suprintendent
d) Supereintendent

Answer: b

2. Find the correctly spelt word.
a) Temparament
b) Temprament
c) Temperament
d) Temperamant

Answer: c

3. Find the correctly spelt word.
a) Homeopatty
b) Homoepathy
c) Homiopathy
d) Homeopathy

Answer: d

4. Find the correctly spelt word.
a) Numrator
b) Numerator
c) Numerater
d) Numrater

Answer: b

5. Find the correctly spelt word.
a) Sacrilegeous
b) Sacrilegious
c) Sacriligious
d) Sacreligious

Answer: b

6. Find the correctly spelt word.
a) Vetniary
b) Vetarinary
c) Veteninary
d) Veterinary

Answer: d

7. Find the correctly spelt word.
a) Lauriate
b) Laureat
c) Laureate
d) Lauriat

Answer: c

8. Find the correctly spelt word.
a) Comander
b) Commande
c) Commandor
d) Comandar

Answer: b

9. Find the correctly spelt word.
a) Tranquillity
b) Trenquillity
c) Trenquility
d) Tranquility

Answer: d

10. Find the correctly spelt word.
a) Alitration
b) Alliteration
c) Allitration
d) Aliteration

Answer: b