Operations Research Questions and Answers Part-5

1. An n-tuple of real numbers which satisfies the constraints of Linear Programming Problem is called ______________
a) solution
b) basic solution
c) basic feasible solution
d) feasible solution

Answer: a

2. Chose the correct statement: A degenerate solution is one that______________.
a) gives an optimum solution to the Linear Programming Problem
b) gives zero value to one or more of the basic variables
c) yields more than one way to achieve the objective
d) makes use of all available resources

Answer: b

3. At any iteration of the usual simplex method, if there is at least one basic variable in the basis at zero level and all the index numbers are non-negative, the current solution is ______________.
a) basic solution
b) non basic solution
c) degenerate
d) non degenerate

Answer: c

4. The model in which only arrivals are counted and no departure takes place are called ______________.
a) pure birth model
b) pure death model
c) birth death model
d) death birth model

Answer: a

5. ______________ of a queuing system is the state where the probability of the number of customers in the system depends upon time
a) pure birth model
b) pure death model
c) transient state
d) steady state

Answer: d

6. The initial event which has all outgoing arrows with no incoming arrow is numbered ______________.
a) 0
b) 1
c) -1
d) 2

Answer: a

7. In a network diagram an event is denoted by the symbol ______________.
a) arrow
b) straight line
c) curve
d) circle

Answer: d

8. An ______________ represent the start or completion of some activity and as such it consumes no time
a) activity
b) event
c) slack
d) path

Answer: b

9. ______________ is used for non-repetitive jobs
a) Queue
b) Replacement
c) CPM

Answer: c

10. The assignment problem will have alternate solutions when the total opportunity cost matrix has ______________
a) atleast one zero in each row and column
b) when all rows have two zeros
c) when there is a tie between zero opportunity cost cells
d) if two diagonal elements are zeros.

Answer: c