Accounting for Managers Questions and Answers Part-16

1. Under which concept it is assumed that the enterprises has neither the intention nor the necessity of liquidation or of curtailing materiality the scale of operation
a) Revenue realization concept
b) Matching cost concept
c) Going concern concept
d) None of these

Answer: c

2. Bookkeeping is an ______________ of correctly recording of business transition.
a) Art and Science
b) Art
c) Science
d) Art or Science

Answer: b

3. Journal Entries are known as book of ______________ Entry.
a) Original
b) Duplicate
c) Personal
d) Nominal

Answer: a

4. Fixed assets and current assets are categorized as per concept of:
a) Separate entity
b) Going concern
c) Consistency
d) Time period

Answer: b

5. The allocation of owner's private expenses to his/her business violates which of the following?
a) Accrual concept
b) Matching concept
c) Separate business entity concept
d) Consistency concept

Answer: c

6. Profit from sale of assets is example for
a) Revenue Profit
b) Capital Profit
c) Loss
d) None of these

Answer: b

7. Book keeping is mainly concerned with
a) Recording of financial data relating to business operation
b) Designing the systems in recording classifying,summarizing the recorded data
c) Interpreting the data for internal and external users
d) None of these

Answer: a

8. The convention of conservatism when applied to the balance sheet result in.
a) Understand the asset
b) Understand the liabilities
c) Overstatement of capital
d) None of these

Answer: a

9. The amount brought in by the proprietor in the business should be credited to
a) Cash a/c
b) Capital a/c
c) Drawing a/c
d) Bank a/c

Answer: b

10. The return of goods by the customer should be debited to
a) Customer a/c
b) Sales return a/c
c) Goods a/c
d) Purchase return a/c

Answer: b