Human Rights and International Law Questions and Answers Part-2

1. ‘Mandala Theory’ of inter-state relations in ancient India was a contribution of
a) Manu
b) Brihaspati
c) Kautilya
d) Aryabhatt

Answer: c

2. When the Convention on the Rights of the child was adopted by the UN General Assembly?
a) on 18th March 1992
b) on 24th January 1982
c) on 20th November 1989
d) on 10th December 1999

Answer: c

3. ‘Convention on the Indigenous and Tribal peoples in independent countries’ was adopted on the initiatives of
a) World Health Organization
b) International Labour Organization
c) United Nations Human Rights Council
d) Food and Agricultural Organisation

Answer: b

4. Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan case dealt with
a) Prevention of Domestic violence against women
b) Sexual violence against women at workplace
c) Ban on the practice of female infanticide
d) Promotion of educational and employment opportunities for women

Answer: b

5. The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the Constitution of
a) U.S.A.
b) U.K.
c) France
d) Switzerland

Answer: a

6. The Cortagena Declaration of 1984 deals with
a) Women
b) Refugees
c) Children
d) Persons with Disability

Answer: b

7. Article 340 of the Indian Constitution deals with
a) Backward Classes Commission
b) Election Commission
c) Union Public Service Commission
d) Finance Commission

Answer: a

8. International Humanitarian Law is a
a) Branch of International law which provides protection to human beings from the consequences of armed conflicts
b) Branch of Environmental law which provides protection to Environment
c) Branch of international law seeking intervention in the States violating human rights of the people
d) Branch of international law providing for humanitarian assistance to the people affected by natural disasters

Answer: a

9. Universal Declaration of Human Rights contains
a) 20 Articles
b) 22 Articles
c) 30 Articles
d) 36 Articles

Answer: c

10. Sacher Committee Report dealt with the issue of
a) Socio-Economic Development of Muslims
b) All round development of Minorities
c) Amelioration in the conditions of working women
d) Decent and dignified treatment with prisoners of war

Answer: a