Environmental Law Questions and Answers Part-4

1. Which of the following helped in the saving of trees?
a) Pouring of water
b) Developing of chemical manuals
c) Use of modern agriculture
d) Development of iron and steel

Answer: d

2. Why lead harmful for children?
a) Because it don’t give any nutritional values
b) Because it cause indigestion
c) Because it interferes with development of the nervous system
d) Because children become addict to this

Answer: c

3. Industrialization causing urbanization
c) Both
d) None of the above

Answer: a

4. What is the main cause of industrial pollution?
a) Lack of polices to control pollution
b) Use of modern technologies
c) Planned industrial growth
d) Efficient waste disposal

Answer: a

5. What is the term used for the use of resources for industrialization?
a) Pollution
b) Extraction
c) Urbanization
d) Waste material

Answer: b

6. What is the main reason for ozone depletion?
a) Releasing of oxygen
b) Releasing of chemicals
c) Releasing of CFCs
d) Releasing of nitrogen

Answer: c

7. Which of the following component is more dangerous to ozone layer?
a) CFCs
b) Nitrogen
c) Halons
d) Sulphur

Answer: a

8. What is the main reason for skin cancer?
a) Due to mutation
b) Due to unhealthy lifestyle
c) Due to alcohol consumption
d) Due to UV radiations

Answer: d

9. National Air Quality Monitoring Program (NAMP) is formed to monitor the air quality.
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above

Answer: a

10. How agricultural management helps in the control of water pollution?
a) By giving an idea about the use of land management
b) By increase the water intake
c) By using poor soil which consumes less water
d) By encouraging farmers to use more chemicals

Answer: a