Statement and Conclusion Questions and Answers Part-2

Whenever there is a match between India and Pakistan, Mr. Sahai takes leave from his office. Mr. Sahai is in office today.
I. Today there is no match between India and Pakistan.
II. Mr. Sharma always goes to his office except on India–Pakistan match days.
a) If only conclusion I follows.
b) If only conclusion II follows
c) If conclusions I and II both follow.
d) If neither I nor II follows.

Answer: a
Explanation: Conclusion I follows while the second one does not. Hence, option (a) is correct.

2. Statement
All the male members of my family are either software engineers or MBAs.
I. Mrs. Meena is a member of my family. She is either a software engineer or an MBA.
II. Mr. Prakash is a member of my family. He is either a software engineer or an MBA.
a)If only conclusion I follows.
b) If only conclusion II follows
c) If conclusions I and II both follow.
d) If neither I nor II follows.

Answer: b
Explanation: Conclusion II can be drawn. Hence, option (b) is correct.

3. Statement
All politicians are honest. Radha Devi is an honest lady.
I. She is a politician.
II. She is not interested in politics.
a) If only conclusion I follows.
b) If only conclusion II follows
c) If conclusions I and II both follow.
d) If neither I nor II follows.

Answer: d
Explanation: Just because all politicians are honest and Radha Devi is also honest does not mean that Radha Devi is a politician—she might not be a politician and still be honest. Conclusion 1would have followed if it had been mentioned that only politicians are honest. Similarly, we cannot draw any conclusion about her interest in politics. Hence, option (d) is correct.

4. Statement
If the temperature remains constant the wind speeds will be below 100 kmph. Wind speeds were above 100 kmph.
I. Temperature was not constant.
II. Temperature was fluctuating.
a) If only conclusion I follows.
b) If only conclusion II follows
c) If conclusions I and II both follow.
d) If neither I nor II follows.

Answer: c
Explanation: Both the conclusions are correct. Hence, option (c) is correct.

5. Statement
Without abundant rains, there will be a decline in the water level beneath the earth. This year, the rains were deficient.
I. The water level must have declined.
II. Millions of people were in trouble because of shortage of water.
a) If only conclusion I follows.
b) If only conclusion II follows
c) If conclusions I and II both follow.
d) If neither I nor II follows.

Answer: d
Explanation: We cannot conclude either conclusion I or conclusion II since we cannot comment on the decline of water level we do not know whether water level declines immediately if the rains are deficient. Thus just because the rains were deficient in this year we cannot conclude that the water level must have already fallen—for all you know it could fall later. Similarly, conclusion II is not valid because we do not know anything about the trouble-deficient raincauses to millions of people. Hence, option (d) is correct.

6. Statement
Any student who is caught red-handed using unfair means discredits his parents and teachers.
I. Such students try to show that their teachers don’t teach properly in the class.
II. Stringent actions must be taken against such students.
a) If only conclusion I follows.
b) If only conclusion II follows
c) If conclusions I and II both follow.
d) If neither I nor II follows.

Answer: b
Explanation: Conclusion II follows while the first one does not—we cannot be certain that such students are trying to show that their teachers do not teach properly. Hence, option (b) is correct.

Direction to Solve Questions 7 to 10 : In the following questions there are given some statements followed by conclusions that can be drawn from them. Choose the answer for each question independently.

7. Bombay is more expensive than Delhi. Delhi is more expensive than Calcutta. Bombay is more expensive than Calcutta.
a) true
b) probably true
c) false
d) can’t say

Answer: a
Explanation: Clearly the conclusion holds true. Hence, option (a) is correct

8. Statement
1. Some actors are dancers.
2. All those, who are dancers, are paid well.
Some actors are paid well.
a) true
b) probably true
c) false
d) can’t say

Answer: a
Explanation: Definitely true. Option (a) is correct

9. Statement
Teachers punish students when they do not complete their homework. Ravi (a teacher) punished Soni in school today.
Soni did not do her homework.
a) definitely true
b) definitely false
c) can’t say
d) conclusion is irrelevant

Answer: c
Explanation: From the given statement it is not clear as to why Ravi punished Soni. While her not doing her homework could have been a reason it could equally well not have been the reason too. Hence, we cannot say anything about this. Option (c) is correct

10. Statement
Smart managers are those who hire smart employees.
To be a smart manager, I just have to hire smart employees.
a) True
b) False
c) either probably true or probably false
d) can’t say

Answer: d
Explanation: We cannot say for sure whether this conclusion is true or false. It might be true and at the same time might be false if there are more things that are needed to be done for being a smart manager. Hence, option (d) is correct.