Binary Logic Questions and Answers Part-1

Data for Questions 1 & 2 : On an island ‘Mola-Moola’ the inhabitants always answer any question with two sentences —one of which is always true and the other always false.
Read the question below very carefully and choose the correct answer for the questions that follow:
The commissioner of the island discovers that smuggling is rampant there . You have been hired as a private detective in order to determine the identity of the culprits and also to know more about the next heist on the basis of a plane. You question three suspects as to when the plane is expected and what it looks like. This is what they have to say:
Subhash: It arrives at 11:00 p.m. The colour of the plane is only red.
Rubhash: It arrives at 11:00 p.m. The colour of the plane is only yellow.
Bibhash: I know at what time the ship arrives. Rubhash is lying about the time of arrival.

1.At what time does the plane arrive?
a) 6 p.m.
b) 11 p.m.
c) Can’t say
d) Won’t arrive

Answer: b

2. What is the colour of the plane?
a) Can’t say
b) Red
c) Yellow
d) Both red and yellow

Answer: a

3. Suddenly, a murder takes place on the island. It is imperative that you locate the person who is the murderer. On further investigation, you find that the murderer has to be a person who has been to the chief whip’s house within the last five days (today is Friday). By careful questioning, you narrow the possibilities down to three people. This is what they have to say.
Rani: ‘‘I went to the Chief Whip’s house. It was before Monday.”
Vani: “Rani did not go to the Chief Whip’s house. I have not gone to the Chief Whip’s house in the last five days either”.
Siwani: “Rani did not go to the Chief Whip’s house. I am not the murderer.”
Who is the murderer?
a) Siwani
b) Rani
c) vani
d) Can’t say

Answer: b

Data for Questions 4 & 6 : In the village of Rampur, all inhabitants always answer any question with two sentences, one of which is always true, the other is always false.
While visiting the village, Gauri meets three inhabitants—Rajesh, Mahesh and Ramesh near the village square. One of them is wearing a suit. Knowing that they were there to resolve a dispute over the ownership of some land, you ask them—“Who got the land?” They answer as follows:
Rajesh: “I got the land. Ramesh is wearing the suit.”
Mahesh: “I am wearing the suit. I got the land.”
Ramesh: “I got the land. I am not wearing the suit.”

4. Who is wearing the suit?
a) Rajesh
b) Mahesh
c) Ramesh
d) None of these

Answer: b

5. Who got the land?
a) Rajesh
b) Can’t say
c) Ramesh
d) Mahesh

Answer: a

6. On waking up the next morning, you find that your brand new watch has been stolen. The suspects are the same trio you met the previous day. You question them (knowing that only one of them is guilty). And they reply as follows:
Rajesh: “Mahesh did not do it. I did not do it.”
Mahesh: “I did not do it. Ramesh did not do it.”
Ramesh: “I did not do it. I do not know who did it.”
Who stole the watch?
a) Can’t say
b) Ramesh
c) Mahesh
d) Rajesh

Answer: b

Data for Questions 7 & 8 : In a small island called Neverneverland, the people always answer any question with two sentences —one of which is always right and the other is false.
Perhaps due to this peculiar habit, there’s been a high rate of suicides on the island. As a doctor, you have to identify potentially suicidal people and counsel them. You know that all people who are suicidal feel that life is futile. On questioning three inhabitants, these are the answers you get:
Anuj: “Himansu is suicidal. I am not suicidal.”
Himansu: “I do not want to die. Akshay does not want to die.”
Akshay: “Life is futile. I am suicidal.”

7. Who among the three is suicidal?
a) Anuj and Himansu
b) Himansu
c) Himansu and Akshay
d) Akshay

Answer: a

8. Which of them is lying about another person’s tendencies?
a) Akshay
b) Himansu
c) Anuj and Himansu
d) None of them is lying about another person’s tendencies

Answer: d

9. Going around the village, you come across three people. One of them is a dentist, one a barrister and one a professor. You want to know who is who.
Peter says, ‘‘I am not a professor. Shina is not a professor.”
Matt says, ‘‘Peter is not a barrister. Shina is a professor.”
Shina says, ‘‘Peter is not a dentist. I am not a professor.”
Which of the following is true?
a) Shina is the professor
b) Peter is the dentist
c) Matt is the barrister.
d) None of these

Answer: d

10. Further, you come across three women, one of whom is an excellent singer. You start questioning them, when you notice that Minaxi is wearing a flower in her hair.
Madhuri says, ‘‘I am not the singer. The singer wears a flower in her hair.”
Minaxi says, ‘‘I am the singer. The singer is amongst us.”
Jaya says, ‘‘Madhuri is the singer. Minaxi is not the singer.”
Who is the singer?
a) Madhuri
b) Minaxi
c) jaya
d) None of these

Answer: c