Cloud Computing Questions and Answers Part-10

1. Which of the following provider rely on the virtual machine technology to deliver servers?
a) CaaS
b) AaaS
c) PaaS
d) IaaS

Answer: d
Explanation: Most large Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers rely on virtual machine technology that can run applications.

2. Point out the correct statement.
a) Virtual machines are containers that are assigned specific resources
b) Applications need not be mindful of how they use cloud resources
c) When a developer creates an application that uses a cloud service, the developer cannot attach to the appropriate service
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: The software that runs in the virtual machines is what defines the utility of the cloud computing system.

3. Which of the following component is called hypervisor?
a) VGM
b) VMc
c) VMM
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c
Explanation: VMM component is also called hypervisor.

4. Applications such as a Web server or database server that can run on a virtual machine image are referred to as ______________
a) virtual server
b) virtual appliances
c) machine imaging
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: The name virtual appliance is a little misleading because it conjures up the image of a machine that serves a narrow purpose.

5. Point out the wrong statement.
a) Platforms represent nearly the full cloud software stack
b) A platform in the cloud is a software layer that is used to create higher levels of service
c) Platforms often come replete with tools and utilities to aid in application design and deployment
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: Most platforms begin by establishing a developer community to support the work done in the environment.

6. _________ allows different operating systems to run in their own memory space.
a) VGM
b) VMc
c) VMM
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c
Explanation: VMM manages I/O for the virtual machines.

7. Amazon Machine Images are virtual appliances that have been packaged to run on the grid of ____ nodes.
a) Ben
b) Xen
c) Ken
d) Zen

Answer: b
Explanation: You run across virtual appliances in IaaS systems such as Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud.

8. Which of the following offers virtual appliances, including ones based on Windows, all of which run on VMware Player?
a) Bagvapp
b) Jcinacio
c) HelpdeskLive
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: Virtual appliances have begun to affect the PC industry in much the same way that application stores have affected the cell phone industry.

9. _______ offers various Linux distributions upon which you can build a virtual machine.
a) Bagvapp
b) Jcinacio
c) HelpdeskLive
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: Jcinacio has Ubuntu appliances.

10. __________ is a CPU emulator and virtual machine monitor.
a) Imaging
b) Parallels
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: c
Explanation: Parallels hosts a variety of appliances that includes Linux distros, server software, and other products.