CSS Questions and Answers Part-1

1. CSS stands for __________
a) Color Style Sheets
b) Cascade Sheets Style
c) Cascade Style Sheet
d) Cascading Style Sheets

Answer: d
Explanation: CSS is a style sheet language which stands for Cascading Style Sheet.

2. In CSS, h1 can be called as _______
a) Selector
b) Attribute
c) Value
d) Tag

Answer: a
Explanation: HTML element h1 is used in CSS for styling then it is also called a selector. Attributes are the special words which control the element’s behaviour. To show the start and end of HTML element, tag is used.

3. In css, “color:red” can be called as _____________
a) Selector
b) Rule
c) Declaration
d) Value

Answer: c
Explanation: In CSS, color:red is the declaration for an element saying that the given element has to apply a red color. Color is one of CSS property.

4. Which of the following attributes is used to specify elements to bind style rules to?
a) id
b) class
c) tag
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: In CSS, styling elements can be done by id, class and tag attribute

5. Which selector is used to specify a rule to bind a particular unique element?
a) id
b) class
c) tag
d) both class and tag

Answer: a
Explanation: For binding a particular unique element, id selectors are used. While for group of elements, class selector can be used.

6. In CSS, “font-size” can be called as ________
a) Selector
b) Rule
c) Property
d) Property-Name

Answer: d
Explanation: In CSS, font-size is a property-name which increases/decreases the font of text.

7. ________ selectors are used to specify a group of elements.
a) id
b) class
c) tag
d) both class and tag

Answer: b
Explanation: Class selectors are used to specify a group of elements. Id selector specifies a particular unique element.

8. Which of the following tag is used to embed css in html page?
a) <script>
b) <style>
c) <css>
d) <!DOCTYPE html>

Answer: b
Explanation: <style> </style> tag is used to embed CSS in HTML page, while <script> </script> is used to embed JS in HTML. <!DOCTYPE html> is HTML5 declaration.

9. _________ has introduced text, list, box, margin, border, color, and background properties.
a) css
b) html
c) ajax
d) php

Answer: a
Explanation: CSS is a style sheet language which stands for Cascading Style Sheet. CSS has introduced text, list, box, margin, border, color, and background properties.

10. Is it the best way to include H1 heading only one time on the web page.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: It is good practice to include H1 heading only once and to use H2-H6 heading in other areas.