Aircraft Maintenance Questions and Answers Part-10

1. What are the major sources of change in the aerodynamic forces and moments applied to an aircraft?
a) Angle of attack of the wing and the angle of attack
b) Angle of attack of the wing and the angle of attack of the vertical tail
c) Angle of attack of the wing and the angle of incidence
d) Angle of incidence and the angle of attack of the vertical tail

Answer: b
Explanation: The two major sources of change in the aerodynamic forces and moments applied to an aircraft are the angle of attack of the wing and the angle of attack of the vertical tail. The two angles are important to maintain the center of gravity of an aircraft.

2. Aircrafts are streamlined from nose to tail to reduce __________
a) Turbulence
b) Thrust
c) Gravitational force
d) Drag

Answer: d
Explanation: The aircrafts are streamlined from nose to tail to reduce drag on the aircraft. Increased drag reduces the airspeed of an aircraft and hence increases flying time.

3. Angle of attack of the vertical tail is also known as __________
a) Sideslip angle
b) Critical angle
c) Zero bank angle
d) Angle of incidence

Answer: a
Explanation: The angle of attack of the vertical tail is also known as Sideslip angle. It may also be referred to as beta. Similarly, the angle of attack of the wing is referred to as alpha.

4. Which of the following aircraft systems includes an actuator?
a) Hydraulic systems
b) Electronic systems
c) Communication systems
d) Control systems

Answer: d
Explanation: The actuator is a part of the control system in an aircraft. Basically, an actuator is a mover that requires a source of energy along with a control signal. The actuator works in such a way, that it converts the incoming signal’s energy into mechanical signals.

5. Drag is increased so as to __________
a) Slow the aircraft to a safe speed for landing
b) Decrease turbulence
c) Accelerate the aircraft to a safe speed for landing
d) Increase thrust

Answer: a
Explanation: Drag is increased so as to slow the aircraft to a safe speed for landing. Drag offers negative impact to the airspeed thus slowing down the aircraft, thereby offering a safe landing.

6. Which of the following controls the pitch of an aircraft?
a) Flaps
b) Rudder
c) Spoiler
d) Elevator

Answer: d
Explanation: The elevator is a flight control surface controlling the pitch of an aircraft. It is also responsible for adjusting the angle of attack, and hence the lift of an aircraft. It is usually located at the ear of an aircraft.

7. The combination of ailerons and elevators is called _________
a) Alevon
b) Spoiler
c) Elevon
d) Rudder

Answer: c
Explanation: The combination of ailerons and elevators is called elevon. Their respective control inputs are also combined and it reduces the pilot’s workload. They are mostly used on tailless aircrafts.

8. Which of the following is a part of the wing assembly of an aircraft?
a) Stabilizer
b) Edge flaps
c) Rudder
d) Elevator

Answer: d
Explanation: The edge flaps are a part of the wing assembly of an aircraft. They are used to increase the lift of an aircraft. Stabilizer, rudder and elevator are all situated at the rear of an aircraft and are a part of the tail assembly

9. The primary control of yaw is with the __________
a) Aileron
b) Elevator
c) Rudder
d) Elevon

Answer: c
Explanation: The primary control of yaw is with the rudder. Yaw changes the direction in which the aircraft’s nose is pointing. In addition to the rudder, ailerons also have an effect on the yaw.

10. An aircraft is turned right or left, using the aileron.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: True, ailerons are used to steer the aircraft either left or right. They are mounted on the edge of each wing and work in opposite directions. Raising the aileron, reduces the lift on the wing and lowering the aileron, increases the lift