Continuous Pattern Series Questions and Answers Part-1

1. Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it ?

m _ nm _ n _ an _ a _ ma _
a) aamnan
b) ammanm
c) aammnn
d) amammn

Answer: c
Explanation: The series is man/man/man/man/man. Thus, the pattern 'man' is repeated.

2. Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it ?

_bcc _ ac _ aabb _ ab _ cc
a) aabca
b) abaca
c) bacab
d) bcaca

Answer: c
Explanation: The series is bbccaa/ccaabb/aabbcc. Thus, the letter pairs move in a cyclic order..

3.Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it ?

_ op _ mo _ n _ _ pnmop _.
a) mnpmon
b) mpnmop
c) mnompn
d) mnpomn

Answer: a
Explanation: The series is mopn/mopn/mopn/mopn. Thus, the pattern 'mopn' is repeated.

4. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : _ _ aba _ _ ba _ ab
a) abbba
b) abbab
c) baabb
d) bbaba

Answer: b
Explanation: The series is ab/ab/ab/ab/ab/ab. Thus the pattern 'ab' is repeated..

5. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : ab _ _ baa _ _ ab _
a) aaaaa
b) aabaa
c) aabab
d) baabb

Answer: b
Explanation: The series is aba/aba/aba/aba. Thus, the pattern 'aba' is repeated.

6. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : _ acca _ ccca _ acccc _ aaa
a) acca
b) caaa
c) ccaa
d) caac

Answer: b
Explanation: The series is ca/ccaa/cccaaa/ccccaaaa..

7. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : a _ cacbc _ baca _ _ b
a) baba
b) babc
c) abac
d) cacb

Answer: b
Explanation: The series is abcac/bcaba/cabcb. Thus, the series consists of three sequences. The first three letters of each sequence are in a cyclic order and the last two letters of each sequence are the same as the first and third letters of the sequence.

8. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : aab _ ab _ cabcca _ bcab _ c
a) bbbc
b) bbab
c) cabc
d) cbab

Answer: d
Explanation:The series is aa/bcab/bcab/ccaa/bcab/bc. Thus, the pattern 'ccaa' followed by 'bcab' repeated twice, makes up the series..

9. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : a _ ca _ bc _ bcc _ bca
a) bbaa
b) bbab
c) aabb
d) baba

Answer: a
Explanation: The series is abcab/bcabc/cabca.

10. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : c _ ac _ aa _ aa _ bc _ bcc
a) cabba
b) ccbbb
c) bbbbb
d) cbacb

Answer: b
Explanation: The series is ccacc/aabaa/bbcbb/cc.