Pharmacology Questions and Answers Part-8

1. A receptor which itself has enzymatic property is
a) Insulin receptor
b) Progesterone receptor
c) Thyroxine receptor
d) Glucagon recepto

Answer: a

2. Down regulation of receptors can occur as a consequence of:
a) Continuous use of agonists
b) Continuous use of antagonists
c) Chronic use of CNS depressants
d) Denervation

Answer: a

3. The following statement is not true of log dose-response curve:
a) It is almost linear except at the ends
b) It is a rectangular hyperbola
c) It facilitates comparison of different agonists
d) It can help in discriminating between competitive and noncompetitive antagonists

Answer: b

4. When therapeutic effects decline both below and above a narrow range of doses, a drug is said to exhibit
a) Ceiling effect
b) Desensitization
c) Therapeutic window phenomenon
d) Nonreceptor mediated action

Answer: c

5. Which of the following drugs exhibits ‘therapeutic window’ phenomenon:
a) Captopril
b) Furosemide
c) Diazepam
d) Imipramine

Answer: d

6. The following statement is not true of ‘potency’ of a drug:
a) Refers to the dose of the drug needed to produce a certain degree of response
b) Can be related to that of its congeners by the relative position of its dose-response curve on the dose axis
c) It is often not a major consideration in the choice of a drug
d) It reflects the capacity of the drug to produce a drastic response

Answer: d

7. ‘Drug efficacy’ refers to:
a) The range of diseases in which the drug is beneficial
b) The maximal intensity of response that can be produced by the drug
c) The dose of the drug needed to produce half maximal effect
d) The dose of the drug needed to produce theraeutic effect

Answer: b

8. Which of the following is always true
a) A more potent drug is more efficacious
b) A more potent drug is safer
c) A more potent drug is clinically superior
d) A more potent drug can produce the same response at lower doses

Answer: d

9. Higher efficacy of a drug necessarily confers:
a) Greater safety
b) Therapeutic superiority
c) Capacity to produce more intense response
d) Cost saving

Answer: c

10. If the dose-response curves of a drug for producing different actions are widely separated on the dose axis, the drug is:
a) Highly potent
b) Highly efficacious
c) Highly toxic
d) Highly selective

Answer: d