Pharmacology Questions and Answers Part-5

1. Glomerular filtration of a drug is affected by its:
a) Lipid solubility
b) Plasma protein binding
c) Degree of ionization
d) Rate of tubular secretion

Answer: b

2. If a drug undergoes net tubular secretion, its renal clearance will be:
a) More than the glomerular filtration rate
b) Equal to the glomerular filtration rate
c) Less than the glomerular filtration rate
d) Equal to the rate of urine formation

Answer: a

3. The plasma half life of penicillin-G is longer in the new born because their:
a) Plasma protein level is low
b) Drug metabolizing enzymes are immature
c) Glomerular filtration rate is low
d) Tubular transport mechanisms are not well developed

Answer: d

4. If a drug is excreted in urine at the rate of 10 mg/hr at a steady-state plasma concentration of 5 mg/L, then its renal clearance is:
a) 0.5 L/hr
b) 2.0 L/hr
c) 5.0 L/hr
d) 20 L/hr

Answer: b

5. Which of the following is not a primary/fundamental, but a derived pharmacokinetic parameter
a) Bioavailability
b) Volume of distribution
c) Clearance
d) Plasma half life

Answer: d

6. If a drug is eliminated by first order kinetics:
a) A constant amount of the drug will be eliminated per unit time
b) Its clearance value will remain constant
c) Its elimination half life will increase with dose
d) It will be completely eliminated from the body in 2 half life period

Answer: b

7. If a drug has a constant bioavailability and first order elimination, its maintenance dose rate will be directly proportional to its:
a) Volume of distribution
b) Plasma protein binding
c) Lipid solubility
d) Total body clearance

Answer: d

8. If the clearance of a drug remains constant, doubling the dose rate will increase the steady-state plasma drug concentration by a factor of
a) 3
b) 2
c) 1.5
d) 1.3

Answer: b

9. When the same dose of a drug is repeated at half life intervals, the steady-state (plateau) plasma drug concentration is r
a) 2–3 half lives
b) 4–5 half lives
c) 6–7 half lives
d) 8–10 half lives

Answer: b

10. The loading dose of a drug is governed by its:
a) Renal clearance
b) Plasma half life
c) Volume of distribution
d) Elimination rate constant

Answer: c