Pharmacology Questions and Answers Part-3

1. `The following attribute of a drug tends to reduce its volume of distribution:
a) High lipid solubility
b) Low ionisation at physiological pH values
c) High plasma protein binding
d) High tissue binding

Answer: c

2. Marked redistribution is a feature of
a) Highly lipid soluble drugs
b) Poorly lipid soluble drugs
c) Depot preparations
d) Highly plasma protein bound drugs

Answer: a

3. A nonvolatile, highly lipid soluble drug is metabolized at a rate of 15% per hour. On intravenous injection it produces general anaesthesia for 10 min. Which process is responsible for termination of its action
a) Metabolism in liver
b) Plasma protein binding
c) Excretion by kidney
d) Redistribution

Answer: d

4. The blood-brain barrier, which restricts entry of many drugs into brain, is constituted by:
a) P-glycoprotein efflux carriers in brain capillary cells
b) Tight junctions between endothelial cells of brain capillaries
c) Enzymes present in brain capillary walls
d) All of the above

Answer: d

5. Which of the following is not true of the blood-brain barrier:
a) It is constituted by tight junctions between the endothelial cells of brain capillaries and the glial tissue
b) It allows passage of lipid soluble drugs into the brain
c) It limits entry of highly ionized drugs into the brain
d) It regulates passage of substances from brain into blood

Answer: d

6. Weakly acidic drugs:
a) Are bound primarily to α1 acid glycoprotein in plasma
b) Are excreted faster in alkaline urine
c) Are highly ionized in the gastric juice
d) Do not cross blood-brain barrier

Answer: b

7. High plasma protein binding:
a) Increases volume of distribution of the drug
b) Facilitates glomerular filtration of the drug
c) Minimises drug interactions
d) Generally makes the drug long acting

Answer: d

8. The plasma protein bound fraction of a drug:
a) Contributes to the response at the given moment
b) Remains constant irrespective of the total drug concentration
c) Remains constant irrespective of the disease state
d) Is not available for metabolism unless actively extracted by the liver

Answer: d

9. Biotransformation of drugs is primarily directed to:
a) Activate the drug
b) Inactivate the drug
c) Convert lipid soluble drugs into nonlipid soluble metabolites
d) Convert nonlipid soluble drugs into lipid soluble metabol

Answer: C

10. Which of the following is a prodrug
a) Hydralazine
b) Clonidine
c) Captopril
d) Enalapril

Answer: d