Pharmacology Questions and Answers Part-10

1. A drug which is generally administered in standard doses without the need for dose individualization is:
a) Insulin
b) Mebendazole
c) Prednisolone
d) Digoxin

Answer: b

2. Which of the following statements is not true of fixed dose combination formulations:
a) They are more convenient
b) Contraindication to one of the components does not contraindicate the formulation
c) The dose of any one component cannot be independently adjusted
d) The time course of action of the different components may not be identical

Answer: b

3. Fixed dose combination formulations are not necessarily appropriate for:
a) Drugs administered in standard doses
b) Drugs acting by the same mechanism
c) Antitubercular drugs
d) Antihypertensive drugs

Answer: b

4. A fixed dose combination preparation meant for internal use must not contain the following class of drug:
a) Thiazide diuretic
b) Fluoroquinolone antimicrobial
c) Corticosteroid
d) H2 blocker

Answer: c

5. Interindividual variations in equieffective doses of a drug are most marked if it is disposed by:
a) Glomerular filtration
b) Tubular secretion
c) Both glomerular filtration and tubular secretion
d) Hepatic metabolism

Answer: d

6. The pharmacokinetics of drugs in the neonate differs from that in adults, because their:
a) Intestinal transit is fast
b) Drug metabolizing enzymes are overactive
c) Tubular transport mechanisms are not well developed
d) Glomerular filtration rate is high

Answer: c

7. Which adverse drug effect is more common in children than in adults:
a) Isoniazid induced neuropathy
b) Chlorpromazine induced muscle dystonia
c) Digoxin induced cardiac arrhythmia
d) Penicillin hypersensitivity

Answer: b

8. The elderly patients are relatively intolerant to
a) Digoxin
b) Salbutamol
c) Propranolol
d) Nifedipine

Answer: a

9. The following drug adverse effect is specially noted in men compared to women:
a) Tardive dyskinesia due to neuroleptics
b) Levodopa induced abnormal movements
c) Ampicillin induced loose motions
d) Ketoconazole induced loss of libido

Answer: d

10. Which racial difference in response to drugs has been mentioned incorrectly below:
a) Africans require higher concentration of atropine to dilate pupils
b) Black races are more responsive to antihypertensive action o
c) Japanese are more prone to develop SMON due to halogenated hydroxyquinolines
d) Chloramphenicol induced aplastic anaemia is rare among Indians

Answer: b