Community Medicine Questions and Answers Part-4

1. A dental surgeon appointed in rural health centre reports an increased incidence of dental carries in the children of that are the relevant preventive measure that he should suggest to the health authorities is:
a) Fluoridation of water
b) Chlorination of water
c) Use of bacterial filter
d) Use of boiled water

Answer: a

2. Chlorination of water was done by addition of bleaching powder solution containing 10% available chlorine One hour contact time was ensure What is your recommendation regarding use of this water for drinking?:
a) Fit for consumption
b) Use after 06 hours
c) Use after 12 hours
d) Rechlorinate

Answer: d

3. Water samples from two villages of Punjab were sent to Health laboratory for examination. Lab reports show fluoride levels ranging from 5.26 to 6.32 mg/lit. Use of this water for drinking may lead to:
a) Dental caries
b) Dental fluorosis
c) Gingivitis
d) Periodontitis

Answer: b

4. An out-break of scabies was reported in a Kachi abadi consisting of 500 people. The appropriate preventive measures suggested by you would be to:
a) Filter the water
b) Improve accessibility to water
c) Destroy breeding sites of insects
d) Chlorinate water

Answer: b

5. A sample of water taken from a water storage tank of a residential area was to be examined bacteriologically. A positive test of water sample by multiple tube method refers to the presence of
a) Coli-form organisms
b) Fecal streptococci
c) Nitrites
d) Cl. Perfringens

Answer: a

6. An epidemic of gastroenteritis affected more than 500 people in a city. Samples of water were taken from different sites of the supply system. Bacteriological examination was positive for coli forms. Chemical analysis of water showed the presence of high fluoride, nitrate, chloride and ph of 6. Which content is suggestive of water born epidemic
a) Nitrates
b) Chlorides
c) High pH
d) Coli-forms

Answer: d

7. Different agents are used for chlorination of water on large scale. If after chlorination taste of water is not much altered; level of residual chlorine is more stable and persistent. The likely agent to be used for chlorination was:
a) Bleaching powder
b) Chlorine gas
c) Chloramines
d) Perchloron

Answer: a

8. In a poor community, there is high prevalence of acute diarrhea cases. The best method for preventing this health problem in the long run is:
a) Anti-diarrheal drugs.
b) Immunization against cholera and typhoid
c) Provision of sanitary latrine
d) Provision of sanitary latrine

Answer: c

9. Six of the ten family members living in a single room house complain of intense itching with scratching in axillae, groin and hands; it is more marked at night. The most likely diagnosis is
a) Scabies
b) Dermatitis
c) Eczema
d) Psoriasis

Answer: a

10. In a house consisting of two living rooms, the door and windows are facing each other. This will provide:
a) Low humidity
b) Aspiration
c) Cross ventilation
d) Diffusion

Answer: c