Community Medicine Questions and Answers Part-3

1. In Sir-Syed Model School a student of class 3 developed measles. The child was isolated from rest of the class. The school medical officer advised for the contest of this child:
a) Active immunization within 3 days
b) Passive immunization
c) Chemoprophylaxis
d) Isolation

Answer: b

2. A primigravida delivered a baby boy in the obstetric ward of POF hospital the doctor referred the baby on the same day to the EPI centre for vaccination of:
a) BCH only
c) DPT only

Answer: b

3. The population living in Wah Cantt is using water from a deep spring, which is considered to be relatively free from organic contamination but rich in calcium bicarbonates and sulphates. On account of properties that spring water has, protects people from:
a) Gastroenteritis
b) Ancylostomiasis
c) Atherosclerosis
d) Renal problem

Answer: c

4. A well was present in a rural area where an unsanitary bore-hole latrine with lots of flies was present within 10 feet of distance. The disease more likely to be transmitted through drinking this well water is:
a) Leishmaniasis
b) Typhoid
c) Dental caries
d) Ancylostomiasis

Answer: b

5. If a child has been drinking water containing 30 mg/L of nitrates the condition likely to occur is:
a) Infantile Methemoglobinemia
b) E-coli enteritis
c) Botulism
d) Dental caries

Answer: a

6. Required amount of chlorine was added to a large body of water after sedimentation. The pH of water was 4.0 and level of sulphides was negligible. A contact period of one hour was ensure Eventually, it was found that chlorination was not successful. The likely reason was:
a) Low pH
b) Less contact time
c) Less amount of chlorine
d) Suspended impurities

Answer: a

7. People of a village reported a high prevalence of bacterial gastroenteritis even after proper chlorination of water supply for the recommended duration. On water analysis, level of chlorine in water was 0.01 mg/L and pH of water was 6.5. There were no suspended impurities; levels of sulphides and ferrous were low. The likely reason of increased bacterial gastroenteritis even after chlorination is:
a) Low residual chlorine
b) High pH leading to chlorination failure
c) Presence of sulphides
d) Low level of ferrous

Answer: a

8. A water sample was taken from a source where catchment area included a large agricultural land. It was declared unfit for human consumption on account of raised concentration of a chemical. The likely chemical which has resulted in making this water unfit is
a) Iodine
b) Calcium
c) Zinc
d) Nitrite

Answer: d

9. During a sanitary inspection of a rapid sand filtration plant, slowing of the filtration rate was observed owing to loss of head. Which method will you suggest to give head to water in such a situation?
a) Addition of alum
b) Scraping the top layer
c) Increasing duration of storage
d) Back washing of sand bed

Answer: d

10. You were required to chlorinate well water; you added required amount of bleaching powder solution to the water and allowed an overnight contact tim What is your recommendation regarding consumption of this water for drinking.
a) Fit for consumption
b) To be used after 12 hours
c) To be used after another 24 hours
d) Rechlorinate

Answer: a