Insurance and Risk Management Questions and Answers

Insurance and Risk Management solved MCQ Questions :

It focuses on the financial risk and insurance aspect of business and management aims to train students on how to make sound financial decisions for companies or organizations. This section focus on all topics of the Insurance and Risk Management subject. Here you can get important mcq questions on Insurance and Risk Management with answers. These questions will help you to prepare for interviews, entrance exams, online tests, and semester exams. These Insurance and Risk Management multiple choice questions are for both freshers and experienced candidates.

Insurance and Risk Management MCQ Chapter Wise :

Here you will find a list of important questions and answers with detailed solution on insurance and risk management in MCQ quiz style for competitive exams and interviews. Here, You can practice these MCQs chapter-wise for FREE.

Below section consists of important multiple choice questions on insurance and risk management with answers -:

1. The possibility that actual results may differ from predicted results is known as ______________.
a) Risk.
b) Uncertainty.
c) Peril.
d) Hazards.

Answer: a

2. The success of whole process of risk management depends on its ______________.
a) Identification
b) Risk analysis
c) Assessment of risk
d) Evaluation of risk

Answer: a

3. . That which covers the cost of self insurance, loading in insurance premiums and enforcing hedging arrangements is ______________.
a) Cost of Loss Financing
b) Cost of Control of loss
c) Cost of Residual Uncertainty
d) Cost of Internal Risk Reduction

Answer: a

4. If RMIS has poor system documentation then the remedy is to provide ______________.
a) solid vendor account team
b) internal access to system expert
c) assessment in proper manner
d) clear and comprehensive specifications

Answer: c

5. The risk management can be done by ______________.
a) Insurance
b) Hedging
c) Derivatives
d) All of the above

Answer: d

6. The installation of heat or smoke activated sprinkler systems that are designed to minimize fire damage in the outbreak of a fire is an example of ______________
a) Loss prevention
b) Loss reduction
c) Hedging
d) Insurance

Answer: b

7. ______________ is the extra payment done for administrative and capital cost.
a) Premium
b) Premium loading
c) Interest
d) Contingency

Answer: b

8. Transfer of rights and remedies of the insured to the insurer after indemnity has been effected is called ______________.
a) Insurable interest
b) Subrogation
c) Proximate clause
d) Money back policy

Answer: b

9. The principle of indemnity is applicable to ______________ only
a) Life Insurance
b) Personal accident insurance
c) Proximate Cause
d) Property insurance

Answer: d

10. ______________ is those terms, which are implied in every contract of marine insurance unless they are expressly excluded.
a) Guarantee
b) Express Warranties
c) Implied Warranties
d) Waiver Clause

Answer: c

11. Pure Risk was grouped ______________.
a) Property Risk
b) Personal Risk.
c) Liability risk
d) All the above

Answer: d

12. A bancassurance started in India was ______________.
a) 2002
b) 2003
c) 2001
d) 2000

Answer: a

13. ______________ refers to distribution of insurance products through
a) Bank
b) Company
c) Co-operatives
d) Sole trader

Answer: a

14. Risk Management process includes ______________
a) Risk Analysis
b) Risk Control
c) Risk Analysis and Control
d) Risk Reduction

Answer: c

15. The foundation for risk Management is provided by ______________
a) Risk Control
b) Risk Analysis
c) Risk Identification
d) Risk Retention

Answer: c

16. Insurance is a risk management technique involving
a) Risk Retention
b) Risk Avoidance
c) Loss Control
d) Risk Transfer

Answer: d

17. Restoring a policy holder to his pre-loss financial position means ______________.
a) Contribution
b) Indemnity
c) Goodwill
d) LiquidAsset

Answer: b

18. ______________ are the risk management methods
a) Insurance
b) Hedging
c) Derivatives
d) All the above

Answer: d

19. The strategy pursued by the business firms to tackle risk by spreading into a number of business is ______________.
a) Diversification
b) Centralisation
c) Risk Retention
d) Financing

Answer: a

20. A firm may seek to minimize marketing risks by undertaking ______________.
a) Credit Facilities
b) Training Salesmen
c) Market Research
d) Branch Expansion

Answer: c

21. The Insurance is a ______________
a) Contract
b) Uncertainty
c) Peril
d) Hazard

Answer: a

22. Losses arising due to a risk exposure retained or assured is known as ______________
a) Risk Reduction
b) Risk Financing
c) Risk Retention
d) Risk Sharing

Answer: c

23. An alternative approach to the check list is ______________
a) Threat Analysis
b) Event Analysis
c) Operability Study
d) Minimum Level Analysis

Answer: a

24. The measures aimed at avoiding,eliminating or reducing the chances of loss production is covered by ______________
a) Risk Control
b) Risk Retention
c) Risk Avoidance
d) Risk Financing

Answer: a

25. Insurance is best suited to risk with ______________
a) high frequency and low loss severity
b) low frequency and high loss severity.
c) minimum frequency and no loss severity
d) high frequency and high loss severity.

Answer: b

26. The risk manager maybe able to identify the new ventures involved in ______________.
a) Pure risk.
b) Group Risk.
c) Speculative risk
d) Particular risk.

Answer: a

27. An instrument by which a pure risk is transferred by a party other than insurer is
a) Insurance
b) Retention.
c) Non Insurance Transfer.
d) Reinsurance

Answer: c

28. The Person whose risk is insured is called ______________.
a) Insured
b) merchandiser
c) marketer
d) Agents

Answer: a

29. That which is designed to improve the information on which decisions are take to reduce risk is ______________.
a) Transfer
b) Research
c) Costs.
d) Deflation

Answer: b

30. Uncertain events are broadly classified as ______________.
a) Predictable and Unpredictable
b) Possible and Impossible
c) Natural and Artificial.
d) Rare and Continuous

Answer: a

31. RiskManagement is a subject which falls under ______________.
a) production
b) HR
c) marketing
d) finance

Answer: d

32. A person employed to do any act for another or to represent another in dealing with a third person refers to ______________.
a) Principal
b) Employee
c) Agent
d) Development Officer

Answer: c

33. Insurance contract is sort of contract which is approved by ______________.
a) The Indian Contract Act
b) Indian Factory Act
c) Indian Companies Act
d) The Indian finance Act

Answer: a

34. The term Assurance refers to ______________.
a) Life Insurance Business
b) Marine Insurance Business
c) Fire Insurance Business
d) Motor Vehicle Business

Answer: a

35. The first step in risk management process is ______________.
a) Riskavoidance
b) RiskIdentification
c) Insurance
d) RiskEvaluation

Answer: b

36. Which of the following is the last step in the risk management process?
a) Insurance
b) Review
c) Risk evaluation
d) Loss prevention

Answer: a

37. Risk retention means ______________
a) Saving money to pay for the losses
b) Accepting and agreeing to finance the loss oneself
c) Not taking up any activity which is risky
d) Insuring the risk

Answer: b

38. The risk which has three outcomes with possibility of gain is ______________
a) Pure
b) Speculative
c) Static
d) Dynamic

Answer: b

39. The company doing the insurance business is called ______________.
a) Mutual funds
b) Non-banking firm
c) An insurance company
d) Banking company

Answer: c

40. The medias used for direct marketing are
a) Direct Mail
b) Telephone Contacts
c) Kiosks
d) All the above

Answer: d

41. The principles of indemnity does not apply to ______________.
a) Burglary insurance
b) Fire insurance
c) Marine insurance
d) Life and Personal Accident insurance

Answer: d

42. The risk that arises because of magnitude of cash flow due to change in output and input prices is known as ______________.
a) Credit risk
b) Particular risk
c) Business risk
d) Price risk

Answer: d

43. Cost of risk has the following components ______________.
a) Cost of Expected Losses and Cost of Control of Loss
b) Cost of Expected Losses and Cost of Loss Financing
c) Cost of Control of Loss and Cost of Loss Financing
d) Cost of Expected Loss, Cost of Control of Loss Cost of Financing, Cost of Residual Uncertainity

Answer: d

44. If RMIS has the problem of incompatibility of software then the remedy is to provide ______________.
a) solid vendor account team
b) internal access to system expert
c) clear and comprehensive specifications
d) financial check

Answer: c

45. To avoid RMIS being obsolete provide ______________.
a) solid vendor account team
b) internal access to system expert
c) standard software configuration
d) clear and comprehensive specifications

Answer: c

46. The process of reducing the level of risky activities firstly affect the frequency of losses is the strategy of ______________.
a) Risk avoidance
b) Retention
c) Hedging
d) Other contractual risk transfer

Answer: a

47. Which of the statements is correct? a. Insurance is a transfer of risk mechanism. b. Insurance gives physical protection to assets.
a) Statement A
b) Statement B
c) Both the statements
d) Neither of the statements

Answer: a

48. A complete proposal form contains information about ______________.
a) Moral hazard
b) Physical hazard
c) Personal history of proposer and identify of the property insurance
d) All of the above

Answer: b

49. This policy covers all risks to the ship and its cargo while the ship is at a particular port ______________.
a) Voyage policy
b) Floating policy
c) Time policy
d) Portrisk Policy

Answer: d

50. _______________ policy matures on the assured death or on his attainment of a particular age whichever occurs earlier.
a) Endowment
b) Money back
c) Joint life
d) Single premium

Answer: a

51. The cause of loss or a contingency that may cause a loss due to nature is known as ______________
a) Hazard
b) Peril
c) Risk
d) Uncertinity

Answer: b

52. The risk which directly affects the individual's capability to earn income is called ______________
a) Personal Risk
b) Risk Financing
c) Risk Retention
d) Risk Sharing

Answer: a

53. Type of Risk Management are ______________
a) Risk Retention,Risk Analysis,Risk Financing
b) Risk Analysis,Risk Control,Risk Financing
c) Risk Control,Risk Retention,Risk Avoidance
d) Risk Analysis,Risk Control,Risk Financing

Answer: d

54. The Risks which have some financial impact from the part of risk management are ______________
a) Dynamic and Speculative Risk
b) Pure and Speculative Risk
c) Pure and Static Risk
d) Personal and Static Risk

Answer: b

55. The measures aimed at avoiding, eliminating or reducing the chances of loss producing events is covered by ______________.
a) Risk Avoidance
b) Risk Control
c) Risk Evaluation
d) Risk Financing

Answer: b

56. Identification of sources of hazard will have to be done by the ______________.
a) Production manager
b) Risk manager
c) Finance manager
d) General manager

Answer: a

57. The expected value of losses varies directly with the ______________.
a) time period
b) financial period
c) fixed period
d) fluctuating period

Answer: a

58. The number of elements of uncertainty in most type of events are ______________.
a) Three
b) Two
c) One
d) Five

Answer: b

59. Personnel risk in a firm depends upon the ability integrity and enthusiasm of ______________.
a) Creditors
b) Debtors
c) Government
d) Management and Employees

Answer: d

60. Except life assurance the maximum term of other insurance is ______________.
a) twelve months
b) twenty four months
c) six months
d) thirty six months

Answer: a

61. Assignment of life policy means ______________.
a) Transferring rights to the assignee
b) Policy holder is entitled to the paid up value
c) Paid up value is always higher than surrender value
d) Value payable on assured death or maturity

Answer: a

62. Risk insured against death is a contract of ______________.
a) Assurance
b) Agreement
c) Indemnity
d) Caveat Emptor

Answer: a

63. The risk which arises because of change in major economic, social, cultural and political factors are ______________.
a) ParticularRisk
b) Fundamental Risk
c) Speculative Risk
d) Dynamic Risk

Answer: b

64. When an event is stated to be possible, it has a probability between ______________.
a) Zero and One
b) Zero or One
c) None of these
d) Both of the above

Answer: a

65. If the premium loading is zero then purchasing insurance ______________
a) does not change the persons expected wealth
b) changes the persons expected wealth
c) increases the variability of wealth
d) no change in expected wealth

Answer: a

66. Insurance cover ______________.
a) Protect assets
b) Prevents loss
c) Reduces the impact of loss
d) Insurances immortality

Answer: c

67. Taylor Tobacco Company is concerned that the company may be held liable in a court of law and forced to pay a large damage award. The characteristics of the judicial system that increase the frequency and severity of losses is known as ______________.
a) moral hazard
b) particular risk
c) speculative risk
d) legal hazard

Answer: d

68. Bancassurance means ______________
a) Selling financial services
b) general liability insurance
c) Selling banking products
d) Selling Insurance Products

Answer: d

69. Credit Risk is high in case of ______________.
a) Companies
b) Partnership
c) Financial Institutions
d) None of these

Answer: c

70. A bancassurance concept originated in ______________.
a) England
b) Finland
c) France
d) Spain

Answer: c

71. When the subject matter insured is destroyed wholly refers to ______________.
a) Partial loss
b) Actual total loss
c) Constructive total loss
d) Maximum loss

Answer: b

72. Marine perils is also called as ______________.
a) Perils of the Sea
b) Moral Hazards
c) MarineClause
d) Marinelaws

Answer: a

73. ______________ is a document which provides evidence of the contract of insurance
a) Proposal form
b) Policy form
c) Cover note
d) Certificate of insurance

Answer: b

74. Insurance is a risk management technique involving ______________.
a) Risktransfer
b) Riskretention
c) Riskavoidance
d) Losscontrol

Answer: a

75. Which of the following helps in Risk improvement?
a) Fire brigade
b) Salvage crops
c) Engineers who survey property to be insured
d) Ambulance

Answer: c

76. The business of insurance is related to protection of ______________.
a) Savings
b) Status
c) Profits
d) Economic value of assets

Answer: d

77. Loss control involves a combination of ______________.
a) effort and time
b) fund and time
c) funds effort or time
d) effort and fund

Answer: c

78. . An insurance company estimates its objective risk for 10,000 exposures at 10 Per cent. Assuming the probability of loss remains the same, what would happen to the objective risk if the number of exposures were to increase to 1 million?
a) It would decrease to 1 percent
b) It would decrease to 5 percent
c) It would remain the same
d) It would increase to 20 percent

Answer: a

79. All of the following are social costs associated with insurance Except ______________.
a) increased cost of capital
b) the expense of doing business
c) fraudulent claims
d) inflated claims

Answer: a

80. Risk of premature death is a ______________.
a) Financial Risk
b) Dynamic Risk
c) Subjective Risk
d) Personal Risk

Answer: d

81. The number of prime elements of risk analysis is ______________.
a) one
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

Answer: b

82. The identification analysis and economic control of those risk which can threaten the assets or earning capacity of an enterprise is known as ______________.
a) Business Management
b) Risk Management
c) Financial Management
d) Strategic Management

Answer: b

83. The uncertainty reduced through diversification and investing in information is known as ______________
a) Cost of Residual Uncertainty
b) Cost of Loss Financing
c) Cost of Loss Control
d) Cost of Internal Risk Reduction

Answer: d

84. If RMIS shows inflexibility of system then provide ______________.
a) solid vendor account team
b) clear and comprehensive specifications
c) internal access to system expert
d) standard software configuration

Answer: c

85. Risk management information is not useful in one of the following ______________.
a) Reporting
b) Hedging
c) Claim adjustment process reviews
d) Derivatives

Answer: b

86. Which of the following is the last step in risk management process ______________.
a) Insurance
b) Review
c) Risk evaluation
d) Loss prevention

Answer: a

87. The Principle of Indemnity does not apply to ______________.
a) Burglary Insurance
b) Fire Insurance
c) Marine Insurance
d) Life and personal accident insurance

Answer: d

88. Except life assurance the maximum term of other insurance is ______________.
a) 12 months
b) 24 months
c) 6 months
d) 36 months

Answer: a

89. ______________ are those terms, which are written on the policy.
a) Express Warranties
b) Implied Warranties
c) Memorandum Warranties
d) Valuation Clause

Answer: a

90. ______________ policy issued on the basis of the number of persons assured
a) Annuity policy
b) Multiple life policy
c) Single life policy
d) Level of premium policy

Answer: b

91. The premium implies ______________
a) Consideration by Service
b) Consideration by cash
c) Consideration by Kind
d) Speculative Cash

Answer: b

92. A risk manager should report to ______________
a) Managing Director
b) Company Secretary
c) Supervisor
d) General Manager

Answer: c

93. The Risk Evaluation breaks into two parts.They are ______________
a) The cause of loss and its affects
b) The probability of loss occurring and its severity
c) The loss due to any reasons
d) The risk and return

Answer: b

94. The condition for insurable interest is ______________.
a) Loss should be sufficiently in monetary terms
b) Loss potential should be sufficiently large
c) Interest on the subject matter of the insurance
d) Loss cannot be managed

Answer: c

95. Having money available when it is needed is defined as the art of ______________.
a) Financial management
b) Risk management
c) Contingency fund
d) Surplus

Answer: a

96. Risk management is concerned with ______________.
a) Planning
b) Arranging and controlling of activities
c) Managing of funds
d) Planning, arranging and controlling of activities

Answer: d

97. In alike the risk of creditors and shareholders by High Capital Gearing ratio companies is ______________.
a) Increased
b) Decreased
c) Government
d) Management and Employees

Answer: a

98. That which are not independent parts of the whole risk management process are ______________.
a) Risk Control and Risk Financing
b) Risk Retention and Risk Analysis
c) Risk Retention and Risk Financing
d) Risk Analysis and Risk Control

Answer: a

99. That which helps to determine the accuracy and relevance of risk at each stage to which an organization is exposed is known as ______________.
a) Principle of Identification
b) Principle of Risk Analysis
c) Principle of Assessment Risk
d) Principle of Corrective Decision

Answer: b

100. The cost of increased precautions and limits on risky activity to reduce the frequency and severity of accidents and losses is covered by ______________.
a) Cost of Loss Financing
b) Cost of Expected Losses
c) Cost of Control of Loss
d) Cost of Internal Risk Reduction

Answer: c