Analogies Questions and Answers Part-9

1. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
a) Clutch
b) Wheel
c) Break
d) Car

Answer: d
Explanation: Except Car, all others are part of Car.

2. Banana is related to Fruit in same way as Chrysanthemum is related to :
a) Fruit
b) Stem
c) Flower
d) Root

Answer: c
Explanation: Banana is Fruit in same way, Chrysanthemum is Flower.

3. HOSPITAL is related to TREATMENT in the same way SCHOOL is related to :
a) Education
b) Student
c) Teacher
d) Books

Answer: a
Explanation: HOSPITAL is related to TREATMENT in the same way SCHOOL is related to EDUCATION.
Hospitals provides treatment to Patient in same way Schools give education to Students.

4. Each of the following five are alike in certain way so form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
a) Cloth
b) Trouser
c) Jacket
d) Shirt

Answer: a
Explanation: Trouser, Jacket, shirt and T-shirt are the individual cloth but Cloth is collection of these all.

5. Gravity is related to pull in the same way as Magnetism is related to :
a) Repulsion
b) Separation
c) Attraction
d) Push

Answer: c
Explanation: Gravity is related to pull in same way Magnetism is related to Attraction.

6. Aeroplane : Cockpit :: Train : ?
a) Coach
b) Wagon
c) Engine
d) Compartment

Answer: c
Explanation: Pilot of Aeroplane sits in Cockpit and driver of Train works in Engine.

7. Pen : Ink :: Pencil : ?
a) Knife
b) Write
c) Lead
d) Chalk

Answer: c
Explanation: Ink is used in Pen same way Lead is used in Pencil.

8. Trouble : Safety :: Freedom : ?
a) Independence
b) Patient
c) Liberty
d) Slavery

Answer: d
Explanation: Safety is opposite of Trouble and Slavery is opposite of Freedom.

9. Sickness : Health :: Happiness : ?
a) Medicine
b) Sorrow
c) Comfort
d) Misery

Answer: b
Explanation: Health is opposite of Sickness in same way Sorrow is opposite of Happiness.

10. Bee : Honey :: Cow : ?
a) Animal
b) Water
c) Grass
d) Milk

Answer: d
Explanation: Bee gives us Honey in same way Cow Gives us Milk.