Technology Questions and Answers Part-2

1. What is the difference between the Internet and an intranet?
a) One is public, the other is private
b) One is safer than the other
c) One can be monitored, the other can't
d) None of the above

Answer: a
Explanation: No explanation is given for this question

2. In a Digital circuit, what is 1 'AND' 1?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 4

Answer: b
Explanation: No explanation is given for this question

3. Your computer has gradually slowed down. What's the most likely cause?
a) Overheating
b) Your processor chip is just getting old
c) Adware/spyware is infecting your PC
d) You dropped a sandwich in your computer

Answer: c
Explanation: No explanation is given for this question

4. In which decade was the transistor invented?
a) 1940s
b) 1950s
c) 1960s
d) 1980s

Answer: a
Explanation: On December 23, 1947, William Shockley, Walter Brattain and John Bardeen, of Bell Labs, announced their discovery of the point-contact germanium transistor to management.

5. A JPG is:
a) A Jumper Programmed Graphic
b) A format for an image file
c) A type of hard disk
d) A unit of measure for memory

Answer: b
Explanation: No explanation is given for this question

6. What's a web browser?
a) A kind of spider
b) A computer that stores WWW files
c) A person who likes to look at websites
d) A software program that allows you to access sites on the World Wide Web

Answer: d
Explanation: No explanation is given for this question

7. "" - is an example of what?
a) A URL
b) An access code
c) A directory
d) A server

Answer: a
Explanation: A URL (Uniform {or Universal} Resource Locator) is an address for a specific document found on the Web. It is made up of several components: a domain name, the directories and sub-directories of the site, and the extension. To learn about these parts of a URL, visit the Evaluating Web Sites tutorial.

8. How many bits in a byte?
a) 4
b) 8
c) 16
d) 32

Answer: b
Explanation: No explanation is given for this question

9. How do you subscribe to an Internet mailing list?
a) Contact your Internet service provider
b) Send e-mail to the list manager
c) Telephone the mailing list webmaster
d) Send a letter to the list

Answer: b
Explanation: No explanation is given for this question

10. Computers calculate numbers in what mode?
a) Decimal
b) Octal
c) Binary
d) None of the above

Answer: c
Explanation: No explanation is given for this question