Basic General Knowledge Questions and Answers Part-14

1. Soil is formed from the parent rock material by
a) chemical decomposition
b) physical decomposition
c) biological decomposition
d) All of the above

Answer: d

2. The air we inhale is mixture of gases. Which of the following gases in the mixture is highest in percentage?
a) Ozone
b) Oxygen
c) Nitrogen
d) Carbon dioxide

Answer: c

3. Oxford university was founded in.
a) 1139 AD
b) 1163 AD
c) 215 BC
d) 55 BC

Answer: b

4. The American General who led the revolt against the British and declared American independence was
a) George Washington
b) George Bush
c) Bill Clinton
d) None of the above

Answer: a

5. Regular meetings of Trusteeship Council (UNO) are held
a) once a year
b) twice a year
c) thrice a year
d) four times a year

Answer: b

6. Pythagoras was first to ____ the universal validity of geometrical theorem.
a) give
b) both
c) prove
d) None of the above

Answer: c

7. Soil acidity is generally corrected by
a) liming
b) proper irrigation
c) application of fertilizers
d) adding sodium hydroxide

Answer: a

8. Oscar Awards were instituted in
a) 1960
b) 1929
c) 1903
d) 1964

Answer: b

9. Small amounts of iodine are necessary in our diet to
a) prevent pellagra
b) stimulate pituitary gland
c) stimulate clotting of blood
d) compensate for underactive the thyroid gland

Answer: d

10. Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Service is an International Airline of
a) Belgium
b) Afghanistan
c) Australia
d) East Africa

Answer: c