Selecting Words Questions and Answers Part-7

1. The old Nature versus ...... debate regarding crime continues even today.
a) Man
b) Universe
c) Culture
d) Nurture

Answer: a

2. The Sun ...... at six this morning.
a) raised
b) rose
c) arose
d) aroused

Answer: b

3. That rule is applicable ...... every one.
a) to
b) for
c) about
d) with

Answer: a

4. Her parents will never give their ...... to so much an unsuitable match.
a) acquiescence
b) consent
c) agreement
d) willingness

Answer: b

5. He tried to ...... himself against a horde of ruffians.
a) collect
b) save
c) support
d) defend

Answer: d

6. He is a person of sound character and ...... disposition.
a) beneficent
b) morous
c) amiable
d) amicable

Answer: c

7. If I take a state roadways bus, I'll get late, ...... ?
a) isn't it
b) won't I
c) will I
d) is it

Answer: b

8. In high school many of us never realised the importance that grammar would ...... in later life.
a) figure
b) portray
c) play
d) exercise

Answer: c

9. In a changing and ...... unstructured business environment, creativity and innovation are being ...... demanded of executives.
a) highly, extremely
b) progressively, increasingly
c) increasingly, moderately
d) excessively, rapidly

Answer: b

10. On account of the dearth of grass on the arid plains the cattle became ......
a) flippant
b) jubilant
c) agitated
d) emaciated

Answer: d