Selecting Words Questions and Answers Part-3

1. It's very kind of you to ...... to speak at the meeting.
a) accept
b) agree
c) comply
d) concur

Answer: b

2. Pakistan lost a ...... wicket just when they seemed to be doing so well, and that led to their eventual defeat.
a) critical
b) crucial
c) sensitive
d) providential

Answer: b

3. Sita's heart ...... at the sight of the beautiful diamond necklace.
a) leapt
b) stopped
c) slowed
d) ran

Answer: a

4. He lives near a lovely ...... of countryside.
a) length
b) piece
c) section
d) stretch

Answer: d

5. Ambition is one of those ......which are never satisfied.
a) ideas
b) fancies
c) passions
d) feeds

Answer: c

6. It was difficult to remove my feet as it had got stuck ...... in the mud.
a) fairly
b) greatly
c) widely
d) firmly

Answer: d

7. He is a very careful person, he never takes side but remains ......
a) impartial
b) unbiased
c) neutral
d) prejudiced

Answer: a

8. West Bengal ...... plentiful rainfall and is consequently a very green part of the country.
a) misses
b) receives
c) expects
d) regrets

Answer: b

9. this brand of TV is quite inferior ...... that one
a) than
b) to
c) with
d) over

Answer: b

10. It is not what you say that ...... but what you do
a) matches
b) implies
c) matters
d) moves

Answer: c