Sentence Correction Questions and Answers Part-6

1. He should not had done it.
a) had not
b) should had not
c) should not have
d) should have

Answer: c

2. No sooner do the bells ring than the curtain rose.
a) did the bell ring
b) did the bells ring
c) had the bell rang
d) had the bell rung

Answer: b

3. The moment the manager came to know fraudulent action of his assistant, he order immediately dismissed him.
a) immediately ordered his dismissed
b) ordered his immediate dismissal
c) immediately order dismissal of his
d) ordered for immediately dismissal of him

Answer: b

4. The meeting was attended to by all invitees.
a) all attended to by
b) attended by all
c) fully attended to by
d) like attending to all

Answer: b

5. If he has to spend five hours in the queue, it was really a wastage.
a) is a really wastage
b) is real a wastage
c) has really a wastage
d) is really a wastage

Answer: d

6. By such time you finish that chapter, I will write a letter.
a) The time when
b) By the time
c) By that time
d) The time

Answer: b

7. Though we have kept in mind to try and maintain most facilities, we would like to request you to kindly bear with us any inconvenience that may be caused.
a) have kept in mind trying and maintain
b) would keep in mind to try and to maintain
c) should have kept in mind to try and to maintain
d) No correction required

Answer: d

8. The tea-estate administration is in such mess there is no leader to set the things right.
a) in such a mess here
b) in a such mess that here
c) in such a mess that there
d) with such a mess that there

Answer: c

9. They examined both the samples very carefully but failed to detect any difference in them.
a) some difference in
b) some difference between
c) any difference between
d) any difference between

Answer: c

10. "Friends and comrades, the light has gone away from our lives and there is darkness everywhere"
a) off
b) out of
c) out from
d) out off

Answer: b