Sentence Correction Questions and Answers Part-3

1. The crops are dying; it must not had rained.
a) must had not
b) must not be
c) must not have
d) must not have been

Answer: c

2. The courts are actively to safeguard the interests and the rights of the poor.
a) are actively to safeguarding
b) have been actively safeguarding
c) have to active in safeguarding
d) are actively in safeguarding

Answer: b

3. The drama had many scenes which were so humorous that it was hardly possible to keep a straight face.
a) hardly possible for keeping
b) hardly impossible for keeping
c) hardly impossible for keep
d) No correction required

Answer: d

4. Hardly does the sun rise when the stars disappeared.
a) have the sun rose
b) had the sun risen
c) did the sun rose
d) the sun rose

Answer: b

5. You will be late if you do not leave now
a) left
b) will not leave
c) do not happen to leave
d) No correction required

Answer: d

6. One of my drawbacks is that I do not have to tolerance of ambiguity.
a) do not have
b) cannot have
c) am not
d) did not have to

Answer: a

7. They should have calmly thought of the advantages that would accrue to them.
a) should be calmly thought of
b) shall have to calmly thought of
c) should have calmly think of
d) No correction required

Answer: d

8. The easiest of the thing to do is to ask the address to the postman.
a) of the things to do
b) among the things did
c) of the thing to be done
d) of all the things done

Answer: a

9. We demonstrated to them how we were prepared the artistic patterns.
a) are prepared
b) have prepared
c) are preparing
d) had prepared

Answer: d

10. Because of his mastery in this field, his suggestions are wide accepted.
a) are widely accepted
b) widely acceptance
c) have widely accepted
d) have been wide accepted

Answer: a