Sentence Correction Questions and Answers Part-1

1. Acquisition of certain specific skills can be facilitated from general awareness, education to novel situations
a) can be facilitated by
b) may facilitate through
c) can be felicitated with
d) may be felicitated with

Answer: a

2. He never has and ever will take such strong measures.
a) had taken nor will ever take
b) had taken and will ever take
c) has and never will take
d) had and ever will take

Answer: a

3. Technology must use to feed the forces of change.
a) must be used to feed
b) must have been using to feed
c) must use having fed
d) must be using to feed

Answer: a

4. Anyone interested in the use of computers can learn much if you have access to a personal computer.
a) they have access
b) access can be available
c) he or she has access
d) one of them have access

Answer: c

5. They are not beware of all the facts
a) are not aware for
b) are not aware of
c) are not to be aware
d) must not to be aware for

Answer: b

6. This is one of the most important inventions of this century.
a) invention of this century
b) invention of these century
c) invention of centuries
d) No correction required

Answer: d

7. The orator had been left the auditorium before the audience stood up.
a) had been leaving
b) was left
c) had left
d) would leave

Answer: c

8. He dislikes the word dislike, isn't he
a) didn't he
b) doesn't he
c) hasn't he
d) does he

Answer: b

9. We must take it granted that Madhu will not come for today's function.
a) take it for granted
b) taking it granted
c) took it as granted
d) have it granted

Answer: a

10. The research study is an eye-opener and attempts to acquaint us with the problems of poor nations.
a) attempted to acquaint
b) attempts at acquainting
c) attempt to acquaint
d) attempting to acquaint

Answer: b