One Word Substitution Questions and Answers Part-4

1. A man who rarely speaks the truth:
a) Crook
b) Liar
c) Scoundrel
d) Hypocrite

Answer: b
Explanation: The one word substitution is Liar.

2. A remedy for all diseases:
a) Narcotics
b) Antiseptic
c) Panacea
d) Lyric

Answer: c
Explanation: The one word substitution is Panacea.

3. International destruction of racial groups:
a) Matricide
b) Regicide
c) Genocide
d) Homicide

Answer: c
Explanation: One word substitution is Genocide.

4. Custom of having many wives:
a) Misogamy
b) Bigamy
c) Polygamy
d) Monogamy

Answer: c
Explanation: The one word substitution is Polygamy.

5. A pioneer of a reform movement:
a) Apostle
b) Apothecary
c) Apotheosis
d) Renegade

Answer: a
Explanation: The one word substitution is Apostle.

6. State in which the few govern the many
a) Monarchy
b) Oligarchy
c) Plutocracy
d) Autocracy

Answer: b
Explanation: One word substitution is Oligarchy

7. A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge
a) Pedantic
b) Verbose
c) Pompous
d) Ornate

Answer: a
Explanation: One word substitution is Pedantic.

8. List of the business or subjects to be considered at a meeting
a) Schedule
b) Timetable
c) Agenda
d) Plan

Answer: c
Explanation: One word substitution is Agenda.

9. Leave or remove from a place considered dangerous
a) Evade
b) Evacuate
c) Avoid
d) Exterminate

Answer: b
Explanation: One word substitution is Evacuate

10. A person pretending to be somebody he is not
a) Magician
b) Rogue
c) Liar
d) Impostor

Answer: d
Explanation: One word substitution is Impostor