One Word Substitution Questions and Answers Part-2

1. One who is in charge of museum
a) Curator
b) Supervisor
c) Caretaker
d) Warden

Answer: a
Explanation: One word substitute is Curator.

2. A government by the nobles
a) Aristocracy
b) Democracy
c) Autocracy
d) Bureaucracy

Answer: a
Explanation: One word substitute is Aristocracy.

3. One who is honourably discharged from service
a) Retired
b) Emeritus
c) Relieved
d) Emancipated

Answer: b
Explanation: One word substitute is Emeritus.

4. Present opposing arguments or evidence
a) Criticise
b) Criticise
c) Reprimand
d) Rebut

Answer: d
Explanation: One word substitute is Rebut.

5. The policy of extending a country's empire and influence
a) Communism
b) Internationalism
c) Capitalism
d) Imperialism

Answer: d
Explanation: One word substitute is Imperialism

6. That which cannot be seen
a) Insensible
b) Intangible
c) Invisible
d) Unseen

Answer: c
Explanation: One word substitution is Invisible.

7. To slap with a flat object
a) Chop
b) Hew
c) Gnaw
d) Swat

Answer: d
Explanation: One word substitution is Swat.

8. Habitually silent or talking little
a) Servile
b) Unequivocal
c) Taciturn
d) Synoptic

Answer: c
Explanation: One word substitution is Taciturn.

9. One who cannot be corrected
a) Incurable
b) Incorrigible
c) Hardened
d) Invulnerable

Answer: b
Explanation: One word substitution is Incorrigible.

10. Be the embodiment or perfect example of
a) Characterise
b) Idol
c) Personify
d) Signify

Answer: c
Explanation: One word substitution is Personify.

11. A disease of mind causing an uncontrollable desire to steal
a) Schizophrenia
b) Claustrophobia
c) Kleptomania
d) Megalomania

Answer: c
Explanation: One word substitute is Kleptomania.

12. One who sacrifices his life for a cause
a) Patriot
b) Martyr
c) Revolutionary
d) Soldier

Answer: b
Explanation: One word substitute is Martyr.

13. A person who brings goods illegally into the country
a) Importer
b) Exporter
c) Fraud
d) Smuggler

Answer: d
Explanation: One word substitute is Smuggler.

14. To take secretly in small quantities
a) Robbery
b) Pilferage
c) Theft
d) Defalcation

Answer: b
Explanation: One word substitute is Pilferage.

15. To accustom oneself to a foreign climate
a) Adapt
b) Adopt
c) Accustom
d) Acclimatise

Answer: d
Explanation: One word substitute is Acclimatise.

16. A person who tries to deceive people by claiming to be able to do wonderful things
a) Trickster
b) Imposter
c) Magician
d) Mountebank

Answer: a
Explanation: One word substitute is Trickster.

17. A dramatic performance
a) Mask
b) Mosque
c) Masque
d) Mascot

Answer: c
Explanation: One word substitute is Masque.

18. One who does not marry, especially as a religious obligation
a) Bachelor
b) Celibate
c) Virgin
d) Recluse

Answer: b
Explanation: One word substitute is Celibate.

19. That which is perceptible by touch is
a) Contagious
b) Contingent
c) Tenacious
d) Tangible

Answer: d
Explanation: One word substitute is Tangible.

20. Very pleasing to eat
a) Appetising
b) Palatable
c) Tantalising
d) Sumptuous

Answer: b
Explanation: One word substitute is Palatable.

21. A lady's umbrella is:
a) Parasol
b) Granary
c) Epitaph
d) Aviary

Answer: a
Explanation: The one word substitution is Parasol.

22. Story of old time gods or heroes is:
a) Lyric
b) Epic
c) Legend
d) Romance

Answer: c
Explanation: The one word substitution is Legend.

23. A sad song:
a) Ditty
b) Knell
c) Dirge
d) Lay

Answer: c
Explanation: The one word substitution is Dirge

24. One who believes in the power of fate:
a) Fatalist
b) Optimist
c) Pessimist
d) Parsimonious

Answer: a
Explanation: The one word substitution is Fatalist.

25. A person who loves everybody:
a) Cosmopolitan
b) Fratricide
c) Altruistic
d) Aristocrat

Answer: c
Explanation: One word substitute is Altruistic.

26. Use of force or threats to get someone to agree to something:
a) Coercion
b) Conviction
c) Confession
d) Cajolement

Answer: a
Explanation: The one word substitution is Coercion.

27. Animal that feeds on plants:
a) Carnivorous
b) Herbivorous
c) Insectivorous
d) Graminivorous

Answer: b
Explanation: The one word substitution is Herbivorous.

28. Group of stars:
a) Orbit
b) Constellation
c) Solar system
d) Comet

Answer: b
Explanation: The one word substitution is Constellation.

29. Lasting only for a very short time:
a) Transparent
b) Temporal
c) Temporary
d) Temperate

Answer: c
Explanation: The one word substitution is Temporary.

30. To examine one's own thoughts and feelings
a) Meditation
b) Retrospection
c) Reflection
d) Introspection

Answer: d
Explanation: The one word substitution is Introspection.