Common Error Detection Questions and Answers Part-8

1. My grandfather owns / fifty acre / of wet land
a) My grandfather owns
b) fifty acre
c) of wet land
d) No error

Answer: b
Explanation: Change, fifty acre → fifty acres.

2. Our history can be seen / as a long evolutionary dialectical development / in which there have been / a painstaking forgiving of rational and moral self.
a) Our history can be seen
b) as a long evolutionary dialectical development
c) in which there have been
d) No error

Answer: c
Explanation: Change, in which there have been → in which there has been.

3. Our knowledge of history does not come to / Our help and some times we / even fail to remember / who invented America.
a) Our knowledge of history does not come to
b) Our help and some times we
c) even fail to remember
d) who invented America

Answer: d
Explanation: who discovered America

4. The Committee has made / significant changes in / the rules which / will help to banks.
a) The Committee has made
b) significant change in
c) will help to banks
d) No error

Answer: c
Explanation: Help is a transitive verb. So, it should have an object. Here, TO doesn't require as help is transitive. Therefore, to should be replaced by The. Correct Sentence: The Committee has made significant changes in the rules which will help the banks.

5. This Project which is funded / by the united nations / has helped over four / lakh Indians overcome poverty.
a) This Project which is funded
b) by the united nations
c) lakh Indians overcome poverty
d) No Error

Answer: c
Explanation: lakh Indians to overcome poverty

6. Ramu is the elected leader / and also a person / who we all / can confide in.
a) Ramu is the elected leader
b) and also a person
c) who we all
d) No Error

Answer: d
Explanation: Sentence is correct.

7. The gambling stall / was a grand success / because almost everyone / tried their luck.
a) was a grand success
b) because almost everyone
c) tired their luck
d) No error

Answer: c
Explanation: Substitute, their → his/her

EVERYONE is a singular subject and must, therefore, be followed by singular pronoun.

8. Little water / that was left / in the bottle was not enough / to quench the thirst of two persons.
a) that was left
b) Little water
c) in the bottle was not enough
d) No error

Answer: d
Explanation: Sentence is correct.

9. The father / as well as the sons were / mysteriously missing / from the house.
a) The father
b) as well as the sons were
c) mysteriously missing
d) No Error

Answer: b
Explanation: Change, were into was

When two subjects are joined by as well as the verb agrees with the first subject. Above in the question the firs subject is The Father which is a singular so we need to use first firm of the verb which is 'was' instead of 'were'.

10. Every man, woman and child / is now aware / of the terrible consequences of / habit of smoking.
a) is now aware
b) of the terrible consequences of
c) habit of smoking
d) No Error

Answer: c
Explanation: Change, habit → the habit
Since, habit here has been particularized, i.e, the habit of smoking.